Migrants Plan Stampede; Trump Says He’ll Close the Border

Once again, events have proven President Trump right — and CNN’s anti-Trump agitator Jim Acosta wrong — about the “migrants” who have besieged Tijuana. They’re an invading army, posing as refugees seeking “asylum” because they “fear” being killed, seeking illegal entry into the United States.

Who and what the migrants are was the bone of contention that led to Acosta’s temporary suspension from the White House press room. Trump had called them an invasion force of illegal aliens. Acosta said they were refugees.

Trump was right. The spokesman for an open borders group trying to push the migrants into the United States said they intend to storm the border and force their way into the country.

Human Stampede Coming

The migrant horde, as the mayor of Tijuana called it, is using his town to stage their final push into the United States.

Tijuanans are angry about the deluge of migrants that are befouling their city, and have confronted the mostly Honduran invasion force by singing the Mexican anthem and raising the Mexican flag. “Out! Out!” they’ve shouted.

Problem is, when they are out, the migrants don’t plan to march home. They’re coming here.

They plan to stampede the border and simply enter the United States illegally, as President Trump has been warning.

“They have that intention,” Sergio Tamai, a founder of Angels without Borders, a group helping the migrants told, Telemundo, the Spanish-language station, Fox News reported. “I believe that thousands could make that jump.”

That would be no surprise. The destination for the migrants has never been Mexico, as one of them told the Associated Press in late October. “Our goal is to make it to the [U.S.],” he said. “We want passage, that’s all.”

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Will U.S. Military Stop Them?

What the U.S. military deployed to the border two weeks ago will do is open to question.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, the Associated Press reported, said he the White House ordered him ot use lethal force if necessary to protect U.S. border police and personnel. One reason: Terrorists, gang members, and criminals might be traveling with the vagabond train that is heading for the United States to get jobs and welfare.

Reported the AP:

The basis for the expanded legal authorities for Mattis is a belief by the Trump administration that the caravans of Central American migrants, whose numbers include many families with children, moving toward the U.S. border pose a potential security threat to the border patrol.

On Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen visited a San Diego Pacific Coast beach to see up close newly installed razor wire wrapped around a towering border wall that cuts across the sand. She said there were as many as 500 criminals and gang member in the groups heading northward, though she refused to answer questions about how they were identified or what crimes they had committed.

Mattis emphasized that he would use his expanded authorities only in response to a specific, detailed request from Nielsen, and that none has yet been made.

“I now have the authority to do more. Now we’ll see what she asks me for,” he said.

The military cannot arrest migrants, Mattis said, but the National Guard can if governors give them the order.

We’ll Close the Border

Trump remains firm. He has repeatedly threatened to close the border and did so again yesterday, USA Today reported. Unsurprisingly, the newspaper included the Acosta-like accusation that the president has been “railing for more than a month” about the human tsunami that finally struck Tijuana.

Speaking to the leftist media at his Mar-A-Lago club in Florida, Trump was clear. A border stampede won’t go unanswered: “If we find that it’s uncontrollable, if we find it gets to a level where we are going to lose control or where people are going to start getting hurt, we will close entry into the country for a period of time until we can get it under control,” he said.

Trump said he would shut down “the whole border.”

Early this week, a leftist federal judge blocked Trump’s order to deny asylum claims to the illegal-alien border, but the U.S. Supreme Court has said the president has the authority to decide who enters the country.

Photo of U.S.-Mexico San Ysidro border point connecting San Diego and Tijuana, Nov. 23, 2018: AP Images