CBP: Border Agents Apprehend 173K Illegals in November. Biden Invasion Surges
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The illegal-alien invasion across the border with Mexico continued in November after a minor dip in October, a sign that the masses of Central America hear the Biden Regime loud and clear: Come one, come all.

Border agents apprehended more than 170,000 illegals last month, the second month in fiscal 2022, U.S. Customs and Border protection reported. The figure surpassed November 2020’s by about 141 percent. Only a shade more than half were slated for expulsion.

Thus far this fiscal year, which began in October, border agents have apprehended almost 340,000 illegals. If that pace continues, they can expect to handle more than two million by year’s end next September.

The Data

Agents caught 173,620 illegals who tried to jump the border or showed up at ports of entry, a 5.4-percent increase over October’s 164,573, CBP reported.

Almost all the border-hopping miscreants were single adults: 114,419; 108,851 tried to sneak past overworked agents guarding the undermanned border.

Another 44,939 claimed to be in “families.”

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Last month’s figure is a massive 141-percent increase over November 2020, when 72,113 were apprehended.

Agents have apprehended 338,373 illegals since October 1, the beginning of the fiscal year. That figure is 135 percent more than last year’s 144,042.

Agents have caught or handled 5,547 illegals every day for the 61 days of October and November, or about 230 every hour, every day.

Again, if that pace continues, the number will top two million for fiscal 2022.

Among those apprehended this fiscal year were 1,682 criminals with 12 convictions for homicide or manslaughter and 64 convictions for “sexual offenses.”

Unique Encounters Expulsions

“The large number of expulsions during the pandemic has contributed to a higher than usual number of migrants making multiple border crossing attempts, which means that total encounters somewhat overstate the number of unique individuals arriving at the border,” CBP reported

Some 127,653 of November’s apprehensions were unique, which means 45,967 of the illegals had tried entering the country before. That’s 26 percent of the total.

CBP reported that only 87,341, or about half, “were processed for expulsion under Title 42,” which permits expulsion for health reasons. The rest, 86,279, were permitted to stay under Title 8.

Since January 20, when Traitor Joe took the oath and opened the frontier with Mexico, border agents have apprehended about 1.83 million illegals. That figure exceeds the population of Phoenix, Arizona.

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Illegals Here Can Stay

But that number doesn’t count the illegals who got by border agents and embedded themselves in the heartland. Or what that means on top of the tens of thousands the regime has “processed” to stay forever.

Even if caught, the illegals who escaped the Border Patrol might not be deported.

Last month, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced that Immigration and Customs Enforcement won’t deport most illegals unless they are convicted of a crime on par with rape or murder.

“In making our enforcement decisions, we will focus our efforts on the greatest threats while also recognizing that the majority of undocumented noncitizens, who have been here for many years and who have contributed positively to our country’s well-being, are not priorities for removal,” he wrote.

Mayorkas issued “guidelines” on deportations in September. As a practical matter, he ended them.

Though Mayorkas’ “guidelines” suggest that his mandate applies only to those apprehended before November 1 last year, the obvious question is what ICE will do, during a second disastrous Biden term, with an illegal who entered the country last week.

Good guess: nothing.