Border Agents Stop 180K Illegals in December. More Than 500K So Far in FY ’22. Border Treason Continues
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U.S. Customs and Border Protection has verified the number of illegal aliens whom border agents apprehended in December.

The nearly 180,000 is a small increase over November’s number, but an increase nonetheless, and brought the number apprehended during calendar 2021 to a little more than two million.

Thus far this fiscal year, which began in October, agents have apprehended almost 520,000 illegals who either jumped the border or showed up at ports of entry.

The upshot of the report is that regime’s policy of open borders and no deportations triggered a tsunami of illegals who know they have a new home with free stuff if they can make it across the border.

Half-a-million Strong Invasion

The latest total from CBP, 178,840, is a 2.3-percent increase over November’s 174,744, the agency reported.

As is typical, most — 114,993 — were single adults.The rest were in so-called families or were “unaccompanied minors.”

The total for the fiscal year, one quarter in, is 518,360.

That means agents handled 5,634 illegals per day, or about 235 per hour.

Notably and understandably, the agency does not highlight the invasion with figures on Twitter, preferring instead a bland note that says visit the agency’s website:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection today released operational statistics for December 2021, which can be viewed online.

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Complete Border Breakdown

December’s figures showed up last week in a court filing the regime is required to make pursuant to the decision of a federal judge. He reinstated President Donald Trump’s Migrant Protection Protocols, also known as Remain in Mexico. Biden and his Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, had scrapped MPP in June. 

That report showed that the Biden-Mayorkas Homeland Security Department released 55,626 illegals in the heartland, where they will most likely disappear.

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Of the nearly 520,000 illegals apprehended in the first quarter of fiscal 2022, the court documents show, Biden and Mayorkas have released almost 150,000.

Illegals keep coming not only because they know the borders are effectively open, but also because Mayorkas has repeatedly promised not to deport those who make it into the country. He published border-enforcement guidelines in September that virtually stopped all deportations except for illegals convicted of “serious crimes.”

Last week, appearing before the U.S. Conference of Mayors, he again said illegals are welcome to stay.

“On September 30,” he said, “I issued new immigration enforcement guidelines”: 

And in those guidelines, I articulated what I felt was a very important principle: that we will not dedicate our limited enforcement resources to apprehend individuals who have been here in this country for many years, who have been contributing members of our communities.

Unlawful presence in the United States will alone not be a basis for an immigration enforcement action.

But federal law requires that illegals be detained even if they aren’t deported, as Andrew Arthur noted in his report for the Center for Immigration Studies about the released illegals.

“This is a disaster, and one that will simply encourage other foreign nationals to enter the United States illegally,” Arthur wrote:

This is unsustainable, and not just at the border. According to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University, through December, there were nearly 1.6 million cases pending on the dockets of the nation’s approximately 580 immigration judges. That’s up from just over one million in FY 2019.…

Of course, unless something changes quickly, the number of new cases will far exceed 440,000 annually…. December is not traditionally a month in which most migrants choose to enter illegally. CBPOs and agents at the Southwest border could be dealing with 250,000 to 300,000-plus illegal migrants in May, when the travel season gets into full swing.

That will bring border enforcement, and the immigration court system, to a crushing halt.

Tweeted former Trump advisor Stephen Miller, “a Cabinet Secretary openly pledges to violate federal law. Impeach.”

Miller’s observation is significant: A president and a top Cabinet officer are openly subverting border enforcement by ignoring black letter law. They know what they are doing, and they are doing it on purpose.

That means the frequent GOP-conservative refrain that the two are “stupid” or “incompetent” is false.

Biden and Mayorkas are likely the first president and Cabinet official to brag about committing treason.