Border Agents Apprehend 180K Illegal-aliens a Month. Fiscal Year Total Could Pass 1.5M
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Short of a miracle, it’s almost certain that U.S. border agents will apprehend well more than one million illegal aliens in fiscal 2021.

The fiscal year began October 1. That month, agents apprehended 71,951 migrants who either jumped the border or landed at a port of entry. In May, the figure was 180,034, an increase of 150.2 percent, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported this week.

That’s almost 6,000 illegals every day, or 250 per hour. Total so far this year: 929,868.

The Biden Regime’s goal in welcoming this horde of migrants is clear: The Great Replacement.

The Numbers

The Biden Rush began the minute he put his hand on the Bible and took the oath to defend the Constitution, which he promptly forgot when he sat down at a desk and wrote the orders that opened the borders.

In January, agents apprehended 78,442 illegals, CBP reported. In February, that number zoomed 29 percent to 101,117. Next month, the increase was a whopping 71 percent to 173,337.

In April, 178,854 accepted Biden’s kind offer of three hots and a cot, plus anything else they demanded, such as welfare, health care, and, of course, schooling for the little ones.

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As has been customary, the large majority of this month’s arriving occupation force is single adults: 67.2 percent, or 121,082.

Though the number of illegals in “families” caught jumping the border declined slightly, CBP reported, the number who showed up at ports of entry more than doubled from 1,797 to 3,931.

If illegals keep coming at the rate they did in May, 5,807 per day, by year’s end agents will catch another 708,454.

Total for the year if Biden’s doesn’t stop it: 1,638,322.

Already, Biden has increased the number of border apprehensions 103 percent. That is, he doubled them.

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Biden’s Message

From Day 1 of his regime, Biden’s message has been clear. Ten of his 12 orders on immigration reversed former President Donald Trump’s policies.

Said Biden on February 2, when he signed the engraved invitation for Latin America to move here:

And I want to make it clear — there’s a lot of talk, with good reason, about the number of executive orders that I have signed — I’m not making new law; I’m eliminating bad policy. What I’m doing is taking on the issues that — 99% of them — that the president, the last president of the United States, issued executive orders I felt were very counterproductive to our security, counterproductive to who we are as a country, particularly in the area of immigration.

This is about how America is safer, stronger, more prosperous when we have a fair, orderly, and humane, and legal immigration system. 

In fact, they were counterproductive as far as the Democrat Party’s main goal was concerned: Permanently alter the demographics of the country by importing immigrants, then turn them into voters who permanently cement Democrat power.

Three of Biden’s most damaging orders essentially ended deportations and immigration enforcement in the United States, stopped construction of his predecessor’s border wall, and rescinded Trump’s order that immigrants repay the government for welfare 

The latest move on that front came from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban immigrant and visa fraudster.

On June 1, the open-borders subversive ended Trumps’ Migrant Protection Protocols, which included his Remain in Mexico Policy that required so-called asylees to wait south of the border while immigration authorities adjudicated their cases.

In a memorandum to his equally subversive gang of spear carriers, Mayorkas explained that U.S. immigration policy must benefit immigrants, not Americans. The border is there to be crossed, and Mayorkas plans to smooth the way — again, to import as many Latin Americans as he can to overwhelm us.

Wrote Mayorkas:

In deciding whether to maintain, modify, or terminate MPP I have reflected on my own deeply held belief, which is shared throughout this Administration, that the United States is both a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants, committed to increasing access to justice and offering protection to people fleeing persecution and torture through an asylum system that reaches decisions in a fair and timely manner. To that end, the Department is currently considering ways to implement long-needed reforms to our asylum system that are designed to shorten the amount of time it takes for migrants, including those seeking asylum, to have their cases adjudicated.

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More Increases?

Again, in the first seven months of the fiscal year, under the Biden administration, the number of illegal aliens has more than doubled last year’s number of migrants stopped or apprehended at the border. If Biden keeps it up, he’s on track to increase the year-end total 257.6 percent, or almost quadruple it to more than 1.6 million

Frighteningly, however, that estimate holds only if the daily rate of arrival stays the same. It could well increase from 6,000 per day to 6,500 or 7,000. If that happens, border agents will apprehend another 793,000 to 854,000 during the year’s remaining 122 days, counting from June 1.

The total would be 1.7 to 1.78 million.

About 1,000 illegals slip past border agents every day.