Biden Plans: Citizenship for Illegals and Imported Relatives. Force Your Suburb to House Them

If Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is elected and gets his way, the view from your four-bedroom, single-family home in the burbs might well be a housing project packed with Third World immigrants who can’t speak English.

The reason?

Biden wants to establish federal control of zoning laws and build low-income housing in middle- and upper-class suburbs. The zoning laws are racist. But he also plans to provide citizenship papers to tens of millions of illegal aliens. Once citizens, they will bring in family members.

Result: A Third World invasion, with most of the illiterate, diseased poor of Latin America headed for subsidized housing next door to your suburban neighborhood.

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Bye-bye Suburbs
In Kenosha, Wisconsin, as Breitbart reported, Biden elaborated on his plan to wipe out the suburbs and inoculate them with low-income families who can’t afford to live there outside of a taxpayer-subsidized housing project.

The hard-left candidate said Wall Street backs his housing plan because it means the economy will grow: “And by the way, it’s not a waste of money. Even the folks on Wall Street point out that will increase the GDP, make it grow. People will do better, people will do better.”

No, it won’t necessarily make the GDP grow, and more immigrants residing here certainly doesn’t mean that any additional revenues paid by the immigrants will offset welfare payments to other new immigrants (think higher taxes taken from your check), but anyway, as The New American has reported, Biden would end federal aid for any locality that doesn’t change its zoning laws to comply with this edict.

Biden’s website explains what he has in mind — all in the name of ending “discrimination,” of course:

Eliminate local and state housing regulations that perpetuate discrimination. Exclusionary zoning has for decades been strategically used to keep people of color and low-income families out of certain communities. As President, Biden will enact legislation requiring any state receiving federal dollars through the Community Development Block Grants or Surface Transportation Block Grants to develop a strategy for inclusionary zoning, as proposed in the HOME Act of 2019 by Majority Whip Clyburn and Senator Cory Booker.

As Betsy McCaughey of the New York Post explained, the translation is this: “Towns everywhere would have had to scrap zoning, build bigger water and sewer lines to support high-density living, expand schools and social services and add mass transit. All pushing up local taxes. Towns that refused would lose their federal aid.”

Which in turn means Biden’s message is this: You will not be permitted to move away from urban crime and chaos. And if you try, Kamala Harris and I shall ensure it follows you.

Hello Third World Neighbors
And that, in turn, might well mean your subdivision of single-family homes borders a steel and concrete eyesore packed with immigrants.

Why’s that? Biden, as his website brags, will give citizenship for the nation’s 11 million illegal aliens, the vast majority of whom are Hispanics.

But each of those new “citizens,” Raheem Kassam of The National Pulse observed on his radio program, can sponsor family members to enter the country as legal immigrants. The average immigrant citizen brings in 3.5 relatives, the White House has reported. That problem is known as chain migration, and it’s part of the reason the country is headed for demographic and political disaster.

If true, and each illegal can bring in 3.5 relatives, Americans could face an influx of 38.5 million immigrants, almost all of them from Mexico and Central America and a significant number of whom will seek naturalization. Illegals from Africa, China, and elsewhere who receive amnesty — such as those of late who travel to Mexico and jump the border — will bring their families, too.

Worse still, Kassam said, 11 million might be too low an estimate of illegal aliens. Yale University puts the number at 22 million, which means the country might have to absorb 77 million new immigrants.

Whichever figure is correct, all those new “Americans” will have to live somewhere, and Biden has destinations in mind: places such as Great Falls, Virginia; Westchester County, New York; maybe even Philadelphia’s Main Line.

Because those localities, he says, practice “exclusionary zoning” to keep out minorities and low-income families.

Photo: ginga71 / iStock / Getty Images Plus