Is Fauci Killing Americans? Dallas Doctor Asks Senate: Why No “Official Treatment Protocol” for COVID?
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“Something has gone off the rails in the world” with the treating of COVID-19. For one thing, despite our being more than a year into the pandemic, there’s still no “official treatment protocol” for the virus. This is a failure of the health establishment — and one that’s costing thousands of lives.

So laments Dr. Peter McCullough, vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC), chief of cardiovascular research of the Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute, and program director of the cardiovascular disease fellowship program at BUMC.

McCullough, whose degree in internal medicine is the same qualification Dr. Anthony Fauci has, made his comments last week in an interview on Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Today. He’d also made similar remarks while testifying before the Texas Senate Health & Human Services Committee earlier this year.

During the Carlson interview, McCullough said that “‘something has gone off the rails in the world’ with treating COVID-19, asserting he has no agenda but is ‘deeply concerned’ about the science, medical literature and the irregular response to the virus that kept populations ‘in fear, in isolation and despair,’” relates Fox News.

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Addressing how there’s an odd and suspicious lack of “official treatment protocols” even at this late time — despite mitigating treatments’ availability — McCullough mentioned what medical colleagues in Milan, Italy told him.

“‘Listen,’” they said, “‘this [COVID-19] is like a cold, except, the immune system goes crazy in the middle part of it, and then there’s blood clotting and thrombosis.’ …That’s what kills you.”

“‘So we take an edge off the viral replication early,’” the doctor continued, quoting the Italians on their treatment efforts. “‘We treat the immune system ‘dis-regulation,’ and then we manage the blood clotting, [and] we can get people through the illness’” (video below).

Official treatment protocols are necessary because, in this litigious age, doctors and hospitals may be reluctant to administer “unofficial” treatments for fear of malpractice suits.

Moreover, you’d “think that a disease that is a death sentence for the elderly, the obese, those with preexisting conditions, and that has forced children to avoid school, mask up, and get vaccinated would have certainly been faced with ramped-up research into prophylactic and therapeutic solutions since its arrival to the United States,” wrote the Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft last week, after recounting how an elderly friend infected with the coronavirus was given no remedial treatment and then died.

“One would think that after all this time there would be a consensus in the hospitals, in the nursing homes, and in other treatment centers on how to treat a Covid positive patient or resident,” Hoft continued. “This is not the case.”

The writer then cited Dr. McCullough’s Texas Senate testimony, which was given March 10. “Dr. McCullough sees COVID patients and says 85% of COVID patients given multi-drug treatment plan recover from the disease with complete immunity,” Hoft wrote.

“McCullough added, ‘The pandemic could have been over by now…if those who tested positive for covid had been immediately treated before they fell ill enough to be hospitalized.[‘] He also says that thousands could have been, and still could be saved if the treatment protocol he and other physicians use were not suppressed” (video below).

McCullough also, the above video’s description relates (edited for grammar, punctuation, and style):

  • says there’s been a silencing of all information on treatment.
  • says he cannot even get papers published on treatment, as all info is scrubbed from social media and YouTube. “There’s been a complete scrubbing.”
  • says we’re already at 80 percent herd immunity in Texas with zero vaccine effect and that you cannot beat natural immunity….
  • says there’s no scientific rationale for ever testing or vaccinating a COVID-19 recovered patient.
  • …says the data shows that at 80 percent herd immunity the vaccine is only going to have a one percent effect on the populace.
  • says that with strategic targeting of vaccinations along with proper COVID-19 treatment we can end the pandemic with ease.
  • says that there’s no scientific rationale for healthy people under 50 to become vaccinated.
  • says there’s a low degree if any asymptomatic spread of the virus.
  • …says that COVID-19 has always been a treatable illness.
  • …says we have allegedly more than 500,000 [note: almost assuredly an exaggerated number] deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the United States, yet we could have prevented as many as 85 percent of them if our pandemic response would have been laser focused on early treatment.

But it wasn’t.

Returning to Hoft, he implicates Dr. Fauci, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization in this failure. In fact, he calls Fauci “the greatest mass killer of our generation.”

What’s for certain is that people have died, and are dying, because the China virus response has been driven more by politics than science.