GOP Reps Want Answers on Fauci: What Did He Know About Gain-of-function Grants — and When
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Anthony Fauci
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Two GOP members of the House Oversight Committee are demanding an interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to discuss his agency’s role in funding out-of-control virus research in China. The research is linked to the release of the SARS-Cov-2 pathogen, which began spreading globally in early 2020.

Representative James Comer Kentucky and Jim Jordan of Oklahoma released heretofore undisclosed e-mails that further confirm what was revealed months ago: U.S. taxpayers subsidized dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through an unsupervised grantee. Even worse, Fauci knew and lied about it.

Becerra will not likely respond, and even if he does, he certainly won’t admit that Fauci lied. 

Fauci Warned of Lab Leak

“We write to request a transcribed interview of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID),” the congressmen wrote:

Excerpts of emails we are making public today reveal that Dr. Fauci was warned of two things: 1) the potential that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute Virology (WIV) and 2) the possibility that the virus was intentionally genetically manipulated.

What the two congressmen report to Becerra in their letter is widely known. But the new e-mails they discuss provide more detail about the tangled web of lies Fauci tried to weave.

“Despite Dr. Fauci claiming otherwise on multiple occasions, he was, in fact, aware of the monetary relationship between NIAID, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), EcoHealth Alliance Inc. (EcoHealth), and the WIV by January 27, 2020,” the congressman wrote.

In fact, they wrote, Fauci “knew NIAID had funded EcoHealth, the WIV was a subgrantee of EcoHealth, and EcoHealth was not in compliance with its grant reporting, in particular a grant that NIAID knew had gain-of-function potential on novel bat coronaviruses.”

As well, on February 1, Fauci and Collins participated in a conference call in which they learned the virus might have sprung from the lab in Wuhan, and further, that it might have been genetically fortified to infect humans.

After that, the congressmen wrote, Fauci and Collins participated in the publication of an article in Nature that suggested the leak of a fortified virus was not responsible for the global pandemic.

Fauci played a key role in squelching the “myth” that the virus leaked from a lab, e-mails released last year showed.

The new e-mails invited seven questions, the most important of which are whether Fauci or Collins warned the White House that a souped-up virus might have escaped the Red Chinese lab, and whether the two knew the State Department was concerned about safety protocols at the lab.

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Caught in a Lie

Those safety protocols were the subject of alarming reports from science diplomats, as The New American reported in June.

More significantly, though, the evidence shows that Fauci was well aware that his agency subsidized the dangerous gain-of-function experiments, which fortified coronaviruses so they could infect humans.

The research just happened to interest Red China’s military, which envisioned using a fortified bat virus as a bioweapon to cripple an enemy nation’s healthcare system. The Frankenstein pathogen would infect millions and overwhelm hospitals.

Fauci has repeatedly lied under oath about whether NIAID funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, as Richard Ebright, head of the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University, has concluded in long Twitter threads. GOP Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has said the same thing and wrestled more than once with the long-time bureaucrat.

Tom Cotton agrees. “Fauci should be fired and investigated for lying to Congress,” he tweeted today.

In October, a letter from NIH’s Lawrence Tabak to Comer admitted that EcoHealth not only received a grant that involved gain-of-function research in Wuhan but also violated the terms of at least one of them.

Other reports show that EcoHealth unsuccessfully sought a grant through the Defense Department.

Fauci is the highest-paid employee of the federal government.

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