Fauci Calls Biden’s Vaccine Mandates “Moderate,” Endorses Travel, School Mandates

While most sane Americans are outraged over President Joe Biden wiping his feet with the U.S. Constitution by requiring private businesses that hire 100 or more employees to take an experimental gene therapy, aka “COVID vaccine,” or get tested weekly, Biden’s chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, aka the petty tyrant who helped create the virus, calls for more aggressive measures.

Following his boss’s announcement of a slew of draconian measures to combat freedom in America, or, as he called it, “protecting all Americans” from the virus that has a 99.8 percent survival rate, Dr. Fauci, seemingly disappointed in the “moderate” nature of the policies, told CNN he would back more coercive options.

Dr. Fauci maintained:

“The president is being somewhat moderate in his demand, if you want to call it that. There are some people who really don’t want to get vaccinated but they don’t want to lose their job. You’ve got to give them an off lane. And the off-lane is that if you get tested frequently enough and find out you’re positive you won’t come to work and you won’t infect other people.”

Dr. Fauci continued by saying that giving the employees of the private businesses an option of weekly testing is actually a “compromise.” “Myself, I would make it just vaccinate or not – but he is trying to be moderate in what he was pronouncing,” Dr. Fauci added.

The jabs have been available for the general public since March 29. They were, and are, convenient and fast to access, and “free.” They come with bonuses, and both federal and local authorities, as well as businesses that sympathize with the cause, offer cash, beer, tickets to concerts, doughnuts, marijuana joints, a chance to win a lottery, and many other incentives. Clearly, if 80 million Americans have not gotten a COVID shot by now, it is likely they don’t want it. And, per Dr. Fauci, it is time to coerce these people to get a “lifesaving” shot.

The same day that President Biden presented his plan, Dr. Fauci went to NBC News and lamented that “There are a number of people, for one reason or other, who just do not want to comply and get vaccinated. We got to get them vaccinated.” Dr. Fauci added that “hopefully, they will do it willingly.” If not, then the government must “pressure” them, such as making COVID vaccination a requirement to keep or get a job, or getting an education, he said. That way, Dr. Fauci believes, more people will roll up their sleeves “willingly,” even though applying pressure or threatening people means people are forced to do something against their will. But this contradiction did not seem to bother Dr. Fauci.

On Monday, Dr. Fauci returned to mildly criticizing Biden’s vaccine mandates, implying they don’t go nearly far enough in enabling the U.S. to reach herd immunity, and that vaccine requirements should be in place for all air travel and all educational institutions.

 In a promotional video for the Skimm This podcast, which will air on Thursday, Fauci said: “I would support that if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people, that you should be vaccinated.”

In August, United Airlines became the first airline to mandate its employees to get vaccinated against COVID. Later in August, Delta Air Lines notified employees that they will face $200 monthly increases on their health-insurance premiums starting November 1, if they aren’t vaccinated against COVID. Reportedly, both airlines indicated they are considering requiring passengers to present a proof of vaccination in order to board their planes.

Further, when asked about vaccine requirements for public schools. Dr. Fauci said that even though some think it is “terrible” to mandate children to be vaccinated in order to attend school, the system of mandatory vaccines for children has been in place for a long time. Even young students, for example, must be vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, and polio, Dr. Fauci said. Therefore, adding a COVID jab to that list does not seem like a big deal to him. The parents, presumably, must not worry about the COVID jabs being tested in human children only since March 2021, and that in adults and teenagers, they have already caused tens of thousands of permanent injuries and deaths.

On Sunday, former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chief Scott Gottlieb, who now sits on the board of directors at Pfizer, predicted their jab may receive an emergency use approval for children between the ages of 5 and 11 as soon as the end of October.

On Tuesday, Dr. Fauci yet again appeared in the limelight to advocate for harsher restrictions. Speaking to MSNBC, he said a plan to require proof of vaccination for domestic travel “is on the table for discussion,” even though no decision has been made yet.

Last week, Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) introduced a bill to require all domestic travelers to show proof of COVID vaccination or a negative test at airports or for Amtrak trips. In August, Beyer’s colleague from New York, Rep. Ritchie Torres, submitted a bill that would ensure that only fully vaccinated passengers can travel by plane in the U.S.

U.S. Travel Association executive vice president of public affairs Tori Emerson Barnes spoke against a possible vaccine mandate for travelers, arguing that the proper tools for safe air travel are already in place, including the federal mask mandate that applies to public transportation and U.S. airports through January.

Prior to taking office, Joe Biden said COVID vaccines should not be mandatory.