Biden Targets “White Conservatives” and Evangelicals for COVID Shots
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In response to reluctance to take the experimental COVID-19 shots, the Biden administration is rolling out vast new propaganda campaigns targeting “white conservative communities,” evangelical Christians, black Americans, and other “communities.”

Gimmicks including peddling the controversial pharmaceuticals through sports, celebrities, TV shows, pastors, and music are all being pursued. Already, billions of federal dollars have been pledged to market the government-backed shots as part of an escalating war on “vaccine hesitancy.”

“We’re looking for a range of creative ways to get directly connected to white conservative communities,” Biden spokesperson Jen Psaki said in a White House press briefing this week. “We won’t always be the best messengers, but we’re still trying to meet people where they are but also empower local organizations.”

Among those efforts is launching what Psaki described as a “Community Corps” program to “provide fact-based messages into the hands of local messengers.” That includes working with more than 4,000 organizations, including groups in conservative states where much of the population is resisting the propaganda, to peddle the narrative.

“We’re also investing $3 billion to states and community-based organizations to strengthen vaccine confidence in the highest-risk and hardest-hit communities,” Psaki said. “And often, people think of that as just black and brown communities, and that is not. As you’ve noted, that is also conservative communities, white evangelicals. It’s a range of communities around the country.”

The most effective tools for getting those hesitant communities to roll up their sleeves, Psaki continued, include working with “faith-based organizations” such as churches and ministries to promote the message. That is the same approach pursued by such eugenics luminaries as Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, who hired black ministers for the “Negro Project” to promote her sinister agenda in black communities.

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Already, many “faith leaders” have been brought on board. From the Vatican to evangelical figures such as Franklin Graham and John Hagee, numerous prominent Christian leaders have publicly joined the bandwagon. Previous administrations have also sought to weaponize pulpits to promote the government’s agenda, including through FEMA’s infamous “clergy response team.”

“We’ve also had a number of our members of our COVID team, from Dr. Fauci and Fran … and Dr. Collins … participate … as an example … participate in a range of media interviews.” continued Biden’s spokesperson. “You know, an example is Dr. Collins participated in ‘The 700 Club.’ Dr. Nunez-Smith hosted a faith leaders round-table.”

In addition to “faith-based organizations,” Psaki said “community health organizations, civic leaders, and others who can really get this message deeply in communities” were being enlisted as well. It was not clear how much of that U.S. taxpayer money was being spent bribing these civic leaders and “faith leaders” to peddle the Biden administration’s COVID vaccination programs.

As part of the effort to target “white conservative communities,” the Biden administration is partnering with a number of entertainment providers. “We’re also looking for … we’ve run PSAs on ‘The Deadliest Catch,’” said Psaki. “We’re engaged with NASCAR and Country Music TV.”

It was not clear what the precise nature of the relationship was with NASCAR or CMTV, or how much tax money the feds may have spent buying their support. But numerous bigwigs from the interests helping Biden promote the shots were boasting of their role publicly.

“It’s critically important to us that we, as an industry, continue to play a meaningful role in the fight against COVID, including offering our venues to help administer vaccines across the country as quickly as possible,’” said NASCAR President Steve Phelps.

The entertainment industry as a whole is pushing the narrative hard, too. As The New American magazine reported this week, NBC is airing an hour-long “Roll Up Your Sleeves” special featuring celebrities. The goal will be “educating viewers, raising awareness and dispelling concerns surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines, all with the goal of increasing vaccination rates to put an end to the pandemic,” according to the propaganda network.

The question that sparked the remarks from Biden’s spokesperson surrounded a New York Times propaganda piece demonizing Mississippi and other largely rural, conservative-leaning states for having a “hard time getting folks vaccinated,” as the questioner put it. “They’re at 34 percent vaccination rate,” complained the reporter, citing Ohio and Oklahoma while warning that this “impacts herd immunity.”

According to the Times piece, the reliably Republican state has struggled to convince white conservatives and black Mississippians, who make up almost 40 percent of the population, to take the shots. Indeed, the Times report cited a survey that found black Americans were even more skeptical of the vaccines than other ethnic groups in the United States. Pathetic propaganda videos such as the rap song produced with help from authorities in New York probably did not help.

And indeed, even the establishment’s biased polls show massive distrust of the vaccine programs. According to the Monmouth University Polling Institute, almost half of Republicans say they will never get the COVID-19 “vaccine.” Almost a fourth of Independents will also refuse the shot, the data show. Only among Democrats were the numbers high, with more than two thirds of Democrat adults reporting that they had received at least one shot so far.

Widespread reports from across the country about fully vaccinated people coming down with vicious COVID cases are not helping the Biden campaign. Nor are ongoing concerns about the safety of the shots, which have not been approved by the FDA and use a new technology known as mRNA to trick cells into manufacturing viral proteins.

Countless doctors and scientists who have spoken with The New American and other publications have warned of potential catastrophe. In an interview this week, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, the retired chief of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz, warned of the potential “decimation” of the planet’s population due to the shots.

Despite the public concerns, even questions by experts are being ruthlessly suppressed and censored by the media and the Big Tech companies. YouTube, for example, has been removing every video containing even top doctors and scientists that goes against United Nations World Health Organization pronouncements.

The WHO, led by a former politburo member of a designated Marxist terrorist organization, declared in 2019 that “vaccine hesitancy” was among the top threats to “global health.” As such, the controversial UN outfit recommended mandatory vaccines, punishments for those who refuse, and even advocated lying to patients about the risks and benefits of vaccines.

And yet, despite the intensity of the pressure campaign, it is about to go into overdrive. As Axios reported last week, the government may be “close to hitting a vaccine wall.” In short, there are not that many people left who want a vaccine and have not had one. And according to government “experts,” somewhere between 70 percent and 90 percent of Americans must take the shot to achieve what they describe as “herd immunity.”

The U.S. Constitution does not authorize any vaccine programs, propaganda campaigns to promote those programs, “public-health” schemes, or most of the increasingly totalitarian response to the COVID pandemic. That means, as far as the federal government is concerned, all of this is unconstitutional and therefore illegal.

Using government propaganda and government-backed “faith leaders” to convince Americans to make one-size-fits-all medical decisions is also dangerous. Combined with the fact that informed consent is almost entirely lacking in this lawless campaign, it is clear that there is a major problem. Those responsible for breaking the law must be held accountable.

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