World Economic Forum: We Can be “Conditioned” to Eat Weeds and Bugs to Save Us From Climate Change
Photo: MauMyHaT/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

World Economic Forum (WEF) officials — proponents of the “Great Reset” — are busily thinking of ways for mankind to reduce greenhouse-gases in order to save the planet from the catastrophic global warming they are forecasting. Among their ideas is conditioning the world’s population to begin eating and enjoying what they refer to as “alternative food sources.”

WEF Agenda Contributor Douglas Broom lays out the case for eating weeds in an article posted on the globalist organization’s website.

“Finding new plant-based foods is becoming increasingly urgent with the world’s population forecast to grow by two billion in the next 30 years. While farming animals for meat generates 14.5 percent of total global greenhouse emissions, weeds capture carbon from the atmosphere and can therefore help to control climate change,” Broom writes.

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Weeds are “the future of food,” and can be “nutritious and tasty, if we know which ones to pick,” according to Broom. Just make sure you don’t accidentally pick weeds that are poisonous.

“Of course, not all wild plants are safe to consume — some are poisonous,” Broom admits. “You should always check with a reliable source before eating them. Many countries also have laws against harvesting some wild plants, so the best advice is to check before you pick.”

The article gives several bullet points as to why our future diets will include lots of dandelions and crabgrass. Among them: “Weeds can be nutritious and tasty, if we know which ones to pick”; “As the global population grows, they can be a reliable food source”; “Their ability to capture carbon can help tackle climate change”; and “Weeds can also assist farmers by identifying soil problems to boost yields.”

And it’s not just weeds, but other items that we currently consider disgusting that will feed us in the future. Another article on the official WEF website suggests that humans can be conditioned to eat and even enjoy such things as insects and grubs.

Oh, and we’ll also be drinking “recycled water,” which is otherwise known as sewage.

Drinking this “toilet water” is absolutely going to happen, according to Australian environmental engineer Anas Ghadouanit. It’s already happening in parts of Australia. “If anything, recycled wastewater is relatively sweet,” Ghadouani says.

“It’s a no-brainer,” said Ghadouani. “It’s what’s going to happen.”

Although it sounds absolutely revolting, our globalist masters assure us that we’ll get used to these changes in our diet.

“Our research suggests some disgust responses, once set early in childhood, are hard to shift,” writes University of Auckland Professor of Health Psychology Nathan Consedine. “But responses involving culturally conditioned ideas of what is “natural” may be modified over time.”

The article goes on to suggest that our natural disgust at certain things causes us to “reject valid sources of possible nutrition.” Consedine claims that “culture, learning and development,” all contribute to our disgust reflex at the thought of eating or drinking certain revolting things.

Consedine believes that through media manipulation, we can be conditioned to eat and drink things that are now considered nauseating.

“Given evidence about how much of what we consider disgusting is cultural and learned, marketing campaigns could help shift attitudes about what is ‘natural,’” Consedine states.

We will simply need to reappraise what we find repulsive — and commercials and social media will not only assure us that eating insects and drinking recycled sewage is not only acceptable — but also good for the environment.

“Thinking differently about emotion-eliciting stimuli is termed ‘reappraisal.’ Reappraisal has been shown to reduce disgust effects among those with obsessive compulsive disorder. Desensitization (repeated exposures) seems less effective in reducing disgust (versus fear) among people with diagnosed phobias, but it may work better among the general population.”

This is what proponents of the “Great Reset” are dreaming of: a new world where not only our movement, our finances and our freedoms are at stake, but even the food we consume and the water we drink will be controlled by an all-seeing, all-knowing and all-encompassing government.

We’ll eat weeds and bugs and drink toilet water and we’ll like it. The alternative will be to starve.

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