UN and Media Plan “Sustainable Development” Propaganda Blitz

The United Nations and its dizzying array of agencies, along with the UN Foundation, media “partners,” and other allies, are preparing a massive propaganda campaign to promote the next 15-year UN “sustainable development” master plan for humanity and the planet. From unleashing what is being described as the “world’s largest advertising campaign” to “training” and subsidizing so-called journalists to report favorably on the scheming, the UN and its friends are going all-out on “public relations” — much of it with your money. The UN Communications Group will also be training the outfit’s chief propaganda operatives from around the world in mid-June on how to “tell the UN story” and get journalists onboard to push the sustainability plan.

Officially dubbed the “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals,” the controversial plot the UN will be promoting and foisting on the world represents a brazen attack on liberty, self-government, and national sovereignty — all under the guise of “solving” all of the world’s real and imagined problems. So it is perhaps no surprise that the UN and its allies would be unleashing a deluge of propaganda to support the agenda. The specific “Sustainable Development Goals,” set to replace the “Millennium Development Goals” established in 2000, are still being hammered out by UN bureaucrats and UN member regimes. Everything from “ending poverty” and “ending hunger” to “achieving gender equality” and “reducing income equality within and between countries” over 15 years is on the agenda. Imagine the coercive powers required to even attempt such schemes.

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UN apparatchiks hope to set it all in stone later this year. Essentially, the UN, its member regimes, and its swarms of loyal “stakeholders” will be working to finalize the implementation of the radical UN Agenda 21 program for planetary “sustainable development.” While the buzzwords may sound nice, The New American magazine, reporting from UN “sustainability” summits over a period of decades, has repeatedly exposed the program as an agenda for global government, drastically restricting individual liberty and private property rights, and even targeting the thoughts and behaviors of every person on Earth for “drastic” modification, as the UN and Obama policy architect John Podesta boasted early last year. Global abortion, wealth redistribution, globalized education, and economic central planning are also key elements.  

As the formalities proceed ahead of officially adopting the goals in September, though, the UN is going all-out on trying to build up support for its all-encompassing scheme. Among other tactics, the UN has enlisted high-powered advertising and PR gurus to promote its agenda. Earlier this month, the UN Office for Partnerships and its partner, the PVBLIC Foundation, hosted the 2015 Media for Social Impact Summit at UN headquarters in New York. The confab brought together “350 representatives of leading media companies, advertising firms and creative agencies with UN experts.” The purpose: “to highlight the power of media to drive social change and strategize campaigns around pressing global issues,” according to a press release about the summit.

Among the attendees were actress Rose Byrne, far-left MSNBC boss Phil Griffin, and Prince Fahad al Saud of Saudi Arabia, whose Islamist regime, which sits on the UN Human Rights Council, is reportedly seeking more executioners to behead apostates, homosexuals, and others. The focus of this year’s summit was how to promote the UN’s Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals “in advance of their official adoption and launch this fall,” the statement about the confab said, adding that it “provides a platform for media representatives to join this historic global effort.” Now, attendees are busy concocting what they described as “the world’s largest and most important advertising campaign around the global goals.”

UN bureaucrats were very pleased with the developments and the pledges of support from those attending the summit. “We need to amplify the effort of engaging and reaching out to people as well as decision makers,” Nelson Muffuh, a head of outreach and stakeholder engagement in the executive office of the UN secretary-general, was quoted as saying by Adweek.com after the summit. “This we hope will lead to contributions of expertise, solutions, networks to help us inspire them to be acting for development objectives.”

According to the statement, the assembled media and propaganda executives at the UN headquarters were so powerful that their hashtag #MFSI2015 became the number five trending topic on Twitter. “As the UN Secretary-General’s Special Advisor on Post-2015 Development Planning, I welcome the work of the PVBLIC Foundation in convening leaders in the media industry to accelerate public awareness and action of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s),” said Amina Mohammed, an aide to UN boss Ban Ki-moon on the post-2015 master plan for humanity. “Everyone has a role to play in realizing this vision.” That means you, too — and not just because your tax dollars will be funding so much of it.

Advertising execs also celebrated their cooperation with the UN, often ridiculed as the “dictators club” due to the autocratic tendencies of most of its member regimes. “We saw firsthand how meaningful the partnerships that result from this summit can be with our work on the [White House] ‘It’s On Us’ campaign to eliminate sexual assault on college campuses,” said summit attendee Jason Harris, the CEO of Mekanism, a “creative agency” that worked on the Obama administration’s campaign and now plans to help the UN promote its post-2015 plan for your life. “This year, we’re excited to witness the power of advertising to bring awareness, attention and action for the global goals.”

The PVBLIC Foundation, a partner of the UN and “leading media companies” styling itself an organization that “harnesses the power of media and advertising assets to drive social change,” also vowed to help the UN sell its radical agenda. “We look forward to catalyzing new partnerships between media leaders and UN officials with the hopes of amplifying the message of the Sustainable Development Goals around the world in innovative ways via media,” said Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, chairman of the foundation. Among its “media partners” are giants such as Clear Channel, Newsweek, Televisa, and more.  

Alongside the propaganda blitz by pro-UN ad agencies and media firms will be various other efforts to enlist journalists in the campaign. On that front, the UN Foundation, created by billionaire population-control zealot and CNN founder Ted Turner, along with a division of Reuters, are plotting to “train” what Fox News referred to last week as a “squadron of journalists” to promote the UN’s “Sustainable Development Goals.” Also part of the plan will be massive subsidies to “media” outlets in 33 countries, including the United States, that assist in the pro-UN-“sustainability” propaganda campaign. The plot is reportedly already underway.

The training and subsidy scheme “comes at a time when people want to know what it will take to eradicate extreme poverty and tackle the big questions related to sustainability,” Kathy Calvin, CEO of the UN Foundation, told Fox News. “If our work helps encourage the media to dive deeper into these issues, we are achieving something that is core to our mission but also a public good worthy of 2015’s moment in history.” Other UN Foundation officials also touted the plan as if it were all totally normal.

Despite the lofty sounding rhetoric, Fox News Editor-at-Large George Russell saw right through it. “In fact, the media-training-and-subsidy blitz could also be described as extraordinary bid to pump up public interest and editorial support for a vast and wobbly U.N. campaign to create a new social and environmental agenda that is too nebulous to criticize and too ponderous to implement with any coherent effect,” he wrote. “Nonetheless, that agenda is intended to drive national social, economic and environmental agendas for the next 15 years.” He also correctly described the 17 major UN sustainability goals and 169 related targets as “a broad-based socialist and/or progressive agenda.”

Meanwhile, the UN will also be refining the propaganda skills of its agencies’ “communications” chiefs at the upcoming “United Nations Communications Group — 14th Annual Session at Principals’ Level” gathering in Paris. According to a draft agenda obtained by The New American, the UN agency propaganda czars, meeting on June 17 and 18 at UNESCO headquarters, will be participating in a wide array of workshops and panels on how to manipulate and coopt the press into promoting the UN and its agenda for your life, your nation, and your children.

Among other schemes, the event includes sessions on “Action 2015 — Time for Global Action;” “Crisis Communications;” “Big Picture — How to tell the UN story;” “Big Data,” “Youth, Celebrities, Olympics, Communication for Development (C4D), Social Media Impact”; “Engaging Journalists in a Rapidly Changing Media Landscape;” and much more. The welcoming remarks will be given by UNESCO boss and Bulgarian Communist Irina Bokova, reported to be the “frontrunner” to lead the UN after Ban leaves the post. While the “internal” confab is officially closed to the press, last year, the pro-UN New York Times and the Gates Foundation were both represented.      

The UN’s extremist sustainability agenda, which essentially encompasses every aspect of human existence, is monstrous enough. But for the global outfit to use taxpayer funds to wage a propaganda campaign co-opting the press and promoting that agenda to humanity is beyond the pale. It is past time for the U.S. government to withdraw from the dictators club and shut it down. The GOP-controlled Congress could start by de-funding the entire apparatus and evicting it from New York. Human liberty, prosperity, and national sovereignty may all depend on it.  


Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com.


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