From Nice Age to Ice Age: Drastic Global Cool-down Predicted

Many have been dreaming of a white Christmas, but should we be dreading a white century? Some scientists say yes, warning of an impending ice age that will lead to “worldwide crop failures, famine and disease.”

One of these scientists is David Dilley, a former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) meteorologist who is currently CEO of Global Weather Oscillations, Inc. As the Daily Star, which interviewed Dilley, writes:

In the coming years, David Dilley … believes winters will only become “more intense” in the UK due to a combination of “dangerous” climate factors.

His research shows that by 2019, Earth will enter a natural 120-year cooling cycle that happens roughly every 230 years, bucking the warming trend.

Predictions of low solar activity for 33 years between 2020 and 2053 are also predicted to send thermometers plummeting, according to his research.

… [Dilley] argues that Earth is “coming off” a 230-year global warming cycle and moving on to a 120-year cooling period.

These global warming and cooling cycles are determined by the gravitational forces of the Earth, moon and sun, he said, citing evidence “well documented in science.”

In other words, as Earth swings closer to the sun global warming is observed, while cooling is observed as Earth swings away.

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Britain has already experienced a frightfully frigid first two weeks of winter, and experts the Star spoke to have warned that “it will get [even] colder.”

Yet many scientists have long told us that, contrary to global-warming dogma, a devastating ice age is nigh. Just consider atmospheric and space physics expert S. Fred Singer, professor emeritus at the University of Virginia and a founding director of the Science & Environmental Policy Project. He not only predicts global cooling, but, like Dilley, points out that its effects would be devastating; in fact, he warns that the prospect is so dire that we should seek ways to mitigate declining temperatures. As I reported in 2015:

Professor Singer cites a manuscript written by a co-author of his, Dennis Avery, which documents the historic causes of civilizational collapse. Its conclusion, Singer reports, is that “cold periods and droughts appear to be the main dangers to agriculturally based societies in all regions of the world.” Of course, this is just common sense. Plants don’t grow very well in deserts or during Northeast winters.

But what if it were winter year ’round? The effects would be striking. As Singer tells us, there have been nearly 20 major glaciations “in the past two to three million years. The coolings are quite severe: the most recent one, ending only about 12,000 years ago, covered much of North America and Europe with miles-thick continental ice sheets and led to the disappearance of (barely) surviving bands of Neanderthalers; they were displaced by the more adaptable Homo Sapiens.”

Dilley has sounded the same alarm, warning that “‘worldwide crop failures, famine and disease’ could strike ‘during early stages of each global cooling cycle,’” reports the Star.

In truth and generally speaking, warmth breeds life (“Let there be light,” anyone?) and cold, death. Even the New York Times admitted this, reporting in 2016 on a Lancet study showing that “cold weather is responsible, directly or indirectly, for 17 times as many deaths as hot weather,” as the Times related it. Moreover, the paper cited yet another study suggesting that in most of the world, “rising temperatures could reduce overall mortality rates.”

The wonder of warmth is why there are more than 10 times as many species in the tropics than the Arctic; cold weather greatly shortens the food chain, as it largely takes herbivores out of the equation.

Also mischaracterized is that climate-alarmist bugaboo, CO2. Often portrayed, outrageously, as a pollutant, it’s actually plant food. As Greenpeace founding member and ecologist Dr. Patrick Moore put it in 2015 — when making the case that climate alarmism is “preposterous” — “Without carbon dioxide above 150 parts per million, all plants would die.” For sure. Why do you think botanists spend money pumping the gas into their greenhouses? Higher CO2 levels greatly increase plant (and crop) yields.

This is why Dr. Moore said not only that climate change isn’t caused by man and that there has been no significant warming for nearly two decades but that, even if there had been, it would probably be a good thing. Here are a few more generally ignored climate change points to ponder:

• The dinosaurs’ age saw CO2 levels 5 to 10 times today’s, which explains why the Mesozoic Era was characterized by lush foliage the world over.

• Climate is cyclical. Aside from the 230-year cycles Dilley speaks of, the Earth also experiences 100,000-120,000-year glacial periods followed by warmer 12,000-year interglacials, as well as 1500-year cycles of heating and cooling, according to Professor Singer. And with the last glacial period having ended approximately 12,000 years ago, we’re due for another glaciation.

• During the Cryogenian Period, the Earth was perhaps entirely covered with snow and ice; during another era, snow and ice were entirely or almost entirely gone.

• At one time the oceans around Florida were 100 feet higher than today (which would just about completely submerge the very flat state); at another they were 300 feet lower.

• Danish statistician Bjorn Lomborg, the head of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, calculated in January that reducing the global temperature 3/10ths of 1 degree by the century’s end — meaning, postponing so-called “global warming” less than 4 years — would cost $100 trillion (no, that’s not a typo).

• One report indicates that Arctic sea ice is the same thickness now as it was 75 years ago.

• Astrobiologist Jack O’Malley-James stated in 2013 that the world will end because of too little CO2. As the gas’ level continues to drop, it will get so low that plants will no longer be able to photosynthesize — in approximately 1,000,000,000 A.D. 

As for more immediate concerns, below is a video of David Dilley talking about the impending global-cooling threat.

The bottom line is that after decades of Al Gore climate alarmism, we soon may no longer worry about white Christmases. Instead, we may be dreaming of a green Memorial Day.

Photo: MATJAZ SLANIC/iStock / Getty Images Plus