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The globalist effort to control the movement of citizens may be gaining another arrow in its quiver. An October report released by the The Future Laboratory, a consultancy which purports to “future proof” organizations, has suggested that carbon passports could be used as a way to stem unnecessary air travel.

The idea is being suggested to promote more “sustainable” travel by issuing “carbon passports” as a means of keeping track of an individual’s personal carbon usage. According to climate alarmists, the average annual per capita carbon footprint needs to drop to under two tons by 2050 if mankind has any hope to keep a global average temperature increase to 2°C or less. Currently, it is estimated that the average American’s annual carbon footprint is approximately 16 tons.

Air travel is hardly a new target of the climate hysterics. For example, earlier this year France initiated a ban on short-haul domestic flights if a rail alternative is available. Ironically, France’s ban on short-haul flights did not extend to private jets.

An article from The Conversation, showcased by CNN, explained the situation from the climate hysteria point of view.

“Tourism is part of the problem. The tourism sector generates around one-tenth of the greenhouse gas emissions that are driving the climate crisis,” the article claimed. “The negative impacts of tourism on the environment have become so severe that some are suggesting drastic changes to our travel habits are inevitable. In a report from 2023 that analyzed the future of sustainable travel, tour operator Intrepid Travel proposed that ‘carbon passports’ will soon become a reality if the tourism industry hopes to survive.”

The article referenced the “hottest year ever” hysteria promoted by the climate cult over the past few months: “The summer saw record-breaking heatwaves across many parts of the world. People were forced to flee wildfires in Greece and Hawaii, and extreme weather warnings were issued in many popular holiday destinations like Portugal, Spain and Turkey. Experts attributed these extreme conditions to climate change.”

So, climate alarmists would portray these “carbon passports” as a measure necessary for “sustainable travel,” but let’s not pretend that such a plan is anything less than what it is — travel rationing. So, the elderly American couple who has been saving pennies for decades in the hope of taking their dream vacation in their sunset years will simply be out of luck.

Will these carbon passports affect the nations that yearly send representatives to unnecessary climate conferences? The report offered no comment.

Even to the untrained eye, these proposed carbon passports sound suspiciously like the vaccine passports that many nations pushed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Were those vaccine passports merely a trial run for an even more insidious digital tracking system?

Some have connected the dots.

“The European Union has been extremely clear about what their vision was,” said Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek in an interview on X. “Funnily enough … when they spoke about digital identity years ago, in some of their documents they mentioned vaccine passports as a precursor to digital identity, and then suddenly the pandemic hit.”

“The next step is it’s not just your vaccine data or your vaccination record, it’s everything else,” Vlaardingerbroek added. “We’re gonna walk straight into a two-tier society, just like we did with Covid, and this time it’s going to be worse.”

The climate hysteria crowd likes to pretend that they are only interested in a cleaner environment and that all of their alarmism is only meant to raise awareness of the scientific “fact” that we are headed for a climate apocalypse unless their demands are met, and met quickly. But notions such as “carbon passports” show that the real end goal is control. The entire climate-change agenda isn’t just about bad science; everyone’s freedom is ultimately at stake.