Biden Being Pressured to Declare “Climate Emergency”
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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has joined the growing chorus of Democrats, globalists, and climate-change hysterics who are urging new president Joe Biden to declare a “climate emergency,” based on the assertion that man’s activities and use of fossil fuels is leading to runaway global warming. Schumer made the remarks in an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday.

“It might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency,” Schumer said. “He can do many, many things under the emergency powers of the president … that he could do without legislation.”

As many conservatives and constitutionalists feared at the time, Democrats such as Schumer are using President Trump’s declaration of an emergency on the southern border as cover for this broad usurpation of power.

In fact, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a conservative when convenient, was eerily prophetic in 2019 when he said, “If today, the national emergency is border security … tomorrow the national emergency might be climate change.”

“Trump used this emergency for a stupid wall, which wasn’t an emergency. But if there ever was an emergency, climate is one,” Schumer said.

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Biden has already used executive orders to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and to end the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, a move which eliminated approximately 11,000 American jobs with the stroke of a pen. More executive orders on climate change are expected for today.

The term “climate emergency” has been coined to describe a coming apocalyptic situation where life on Earth could become unsustainable in coming centuries due to the unabated use of fossil fuels to heat our homes, run our vehicles, and grow our food. The term has been used by the likes of Pope Francis, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, and the European Union to frighten people into submission on the subject.

In December, Guterres called for all countries to quickly declare a climate emergency, claiming that humanity was waging war on nature.

“If we don’t change course, we may be headed for a catastrophic rise of more than three degrees by the end of the century,” Guterres said. “Can anybody still deny that we are still facing a dramatic emergency?”

In addition to the EU’s declaration, 14 countries have declared climate change an “emergency,” with another 27 countries saying that climate change is, at least, a partial emergency. Numerous jurisdictions across the world have also declared climate change an “emergency” including New York City, San Francisco, and Boston.

In urging Biden to declare such an emergency, Schumer is in effect ceding power — power that rightly belongs to American citizens through their elected legislature — to Biden and his administration. It seems that Senator Schumer would rather the executive branch act in a broad and authoritarian manner when it comes to climate change instead of taking responsibility, as his majority leader post demands of him, and allow robust congressional debate on the matter.

But Schumer and the Democrats can’t allow any debate on the subject. Debate creates the risk that the truth on climate change might come out — and the truth isn’t on their side.