Yale to Get Vending Machine for Abortion Drugs

From FreedomProject Media:

Students at Yale University will soon be able to kill their unborn children without making a trip to the “doctor” or the pharmacy. Indeed, they will not even have to leave the school campus to get so-called “abortion pills” or “morning-after pills,” paid for by the university’s “health” plan.

Under the new scheme approved by the “Yale College Council,” a vending machine in the “Good Life Center” will dispense the so-called “Plan B” abortion drug — euphemistically dubbed “emergency contraception” — to reckless fornicators at the “Ivy League” school. Condoms and “lube” will be available in the machine, too.

While “Yale Health” is supposed to cover the cost of the abortion pills, the precise pricing scheme remains unclear. Either way, students will be encouraged to fornicate without regard for the moral consequences, knowing that if supposedly “safe” sex fails, pills to “terminate” the consequences — a human life — will be just around the corner.

“The point of this is to make Plan B more accessible and to make medications in general more accessible,” Yale College Council representative Ileana Valdez, who spearheaded the installation effort, was quoted as saying by the Yale Daily News. “Hopefully this will set a precedent for more machines to show up around campus that contain other things so Yale students don’t have to go out of their way to go to CVS, especially students from the new colleges.”

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