University Professors Join Forces to Kill 1st Amendment on Campus

From FreedomProject Media:

The far-left American Association of University Professors (AAUP), which styles itself the “leading organization primarily dedicated to protecting the academic freedom of professors,” has launched a campaign to fight against free speech on college campuses. Seriously.

Responding to legislation in dozens of states that seeks to enforce the rights enshrined in the First Amendment at tax-funded institutions of supposed “higher learning,” the professors launched a project dubbed “One Faculty, One Resistance.” It is just as nutty as it sounds.

The legislation being targeted by the anti-liberty “educators” allows victims of university censorship policies and discrimination to sue. Already, at least 10 states have signed the measures into law, with another 24 currently considering the bill, according to news reports.

The measure seeks to ensure that universities do not stifle free speech with policy, or allow far-left fascists to shut down speech they disagree with by using violence and threats. Students targeted by anti-speech college officials or terrorists are provided legal remedies to ensure that their God-given rights are upheld.

But for far-left university professors who hate free speech and hate conservatives even more, it is all part of some vast right-wing conspiracy to protect conservative speech. And apparently they feel like only they should have the right to decide what goes on at colleges.

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