UN Unveils Board Game to Brainwash Children

From FreedomProject Academy:

The dictators club more commonly known as the United Nations has a new “board game” aimed at brainwashing your children into believing in total global government, among other evils. By the UN’s own admission, the scheme is intended to enlist youth from all over the world in imposing the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the people and the planet. In short, that would mean the end of freedom.

The SDGs or UN Agenda 2030, as the scheme is often called, represents basically a road-map to global totalitarianism. The radical agreement, signed by Obama but never ratified by the U.S. Senate, calls for a total restructuring of human society, leaving nobody behind. It demands government control over production and consumption, planetary socialism, global government, indoctrination of children, reorganization of the family, and much more.

And brainwashed children will be crucial to its success. “Children and young women and men are critical agents of change and will find in the new Goals a platform to channel their infinite capacities for activism into the creation of a better world,” the agreement itself explains, demanding in Goal 4 that all children be brainwashed into the UN’s anti-freedom agenda.

The tax-funded UN board game hopes to help move that all along. “Intended primarily for children aged 8-10, the game aims to help children understand the Goals, how they impact their lives and how they can help achieve them,” the website for the game says, without ever asking whether the goals are desirable. Indeed, rather than teaching children how to think, the game seeks to teach the children what to think.

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