Snopes Caught Lying in Attack on FreedomProject

From FreedomProject Media:

Snopes, the self-styled online “fact-checking” service, has once again shown why people interested in facts are right to look somewhere other than the far-left website. As has become typical, the falsely characterized “fact checker” behind a recent article on education built up an elaborate strawman to debunk, allowing him to avoid dealing with the real issues while still deceiving casual readers who don’t dig deeper. 

In June of 2017, The Newman Report at FreedomProject Media posted an article about Mason Classical Academy, a charter school in Florida that had the top reading scores in the school district and ranked among the highest in the state. We accurately reported, among other facts, that the school was teaching reading using traditional phonics, rather than the Common Core-mandated “sight word” memorization. 

The information in our article went “viral,” being picked up by dozens of popular news sites, blogs, and other outfits. Some of those went beyond what FreedomProject Media reported. And so, it’s no surprise that, instead of addressing the facts contained in our article, the Snopes “researchers” chose articles derived from ours to attack instead of addressing the facts contained in the original. 

Still, the dishonesty in the Snopes piece will be easy for anyone to see. Under “Claim,” the self-described “fact-checking site” wrote this: “Abandoning the Common Core set of standards for English and mathematics caused a Florida charter school’s test results to go from mediocre to outstanding.” It rated the claim “mostly false.” 

And it’s true that the bogus claim, invented by Snopes itself, was mostly false. But of course, the mostly false claim is not what FreedomProject or the other sites that picked up our story reported.

To read the rest of the article and watch a related video, click here.