Shocking: U.S. Dept of Education Offers Positive View on Homeschooling

From FreedomProject Media:

During the final year of the Obama administration, U.S Secretary of Education John King took a nasty swipe at homeschoolers in what more than a few analysts viewed as the potential start of an attempted crackdown on educational liberty. By contrast, this month, the U.S. Department of Education used its official blog to highlight a successful Christian homeschooling family that thinks everyone should know their options.

Hopefully it is a sign of more positive changes to come at the far-left bureaucracy that has helped lead the way in destroying American education, culture, and morality for generations. But there is always a risk that the feds could be seeking to warm up to homeschoolers — even offering tax money and other perks as part of a “School Choice” model — as a means to achieving the longtime establishment goal of controlling them.

As part of its “RethinkSchool” series, the USED blog ran an article this month headlined “Military Family Finds Homeschooling to be Just the Right Fit.” The piece profiles a military family with six children and shows that homeschooling is a great choice for them, for a wide array of reasons.

“When asked to share their thoughts on the benefits of school choice and their homeschool experience, this military family did what they do every day: they turned the occasion into a learning opportunity,” the ED staffer wrote. “Dan, his wife Jenna, and their six kids gathered at the dinner table to shape a response – as individual, independent thinkers and as a family.”

To read the rest of the article, click here.

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