School Teaches 11-Year-Olds About Transsexual Surgery

From FreedomProject Media:

A government school in Cambridge, New York, has sparked a firestorm after giving young children documents that included, among other outrages, information on “sex change surgery,” what it means to be “pansexual,” and other material aimed at normalizing perversion and undermining morals. Unfortunately, similar materials are being distributed to public-school children all over America. 

The latest scandal began when parent Sirell Fiel took to social media to expose the packet brought home by his 11-year-old son from Cambridge Central School. “It’s not your right to take the innocence of my kid like that at that such an age,” complained Fiel, adding that there were no permission slips and that the teacher warned students that they would be tested on the material. “It should not be allowed or tolerated, period.”

The Newman Report has obtained copies of the documents in question from sources in upstate New York. The material, some of which came from the “Pride Center of the Capital Region,” included definitions for terms such as asexual, cisgender, coming out, gender non-conforming, pansexual, and more. It describes a “range of negative attitudes” toward homosexuality, which God describes in the Bible as an abomination, as “homophobia.” Gender, meanwhile, is defined as a “social construct.”

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