Public School Helps Child Get Sex Change Without Parental Approval

From FreedomProject Media:

Despite the specific instructions given by parents, a government school in Minnesota helped a child get irreversible “sex change” treatments under the guise of providing “healthcare.” Now the school district and the county are facing a massive lawsuit for trampling on the parental rights of the parents, WND reported. But the mentally troubled child’s body has now undergone irreversible changes.

According to Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal, who is helping represent the parent victims, Anmarie Calgaro’s minor son, identified as “E.J.K.” in court documents, was subjected to “elective medical services for a sex change” by the St. Louis County School District. The parents never gave consent, and there was never a court order of emancipation.

While the child was a minor, he “was steered through a life-changing, permanent body-altering process, becoming a pawn in someone else’s sociopolitical agenda,” continued Kaardal, who works with the Christian non-profit legal society. All the while, the child was “being influenced” by government school officials responsible who had “no legal or moral right to usurp the role of a parent.”

But they did it anyway. They also gave the child narcotic drugs.

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