Pornographic Books for Kids Spark School Board War

From FreedomProject Academy:

A series of wildly inappropriate books forced on school children in California turned into a war between concerned parents who want to be notified, on one side, and tax-funded proponents of sexualizing children without parental consent on the other. While outraged parents won a minor (and temporary) victory in this particular case, similar battles are being fought across America — and, eventually, parents are going to lose.

Last month, Conejo Valley Unified School District Board meeting became a battlefield. Parents and certain school board members realized that, without so much as parental notification, children were being exposed to unimaginable perversion and pornographic filth under the guise of teaching “literature.” They were able to get a policy adopted requiring parental notification for books with pornographic content.

The books being peddled to children in California (and across America) include, for example, claims that everybody masturbates and that God would approve, along with graphic scenes involving fornication and perversion, among other highly inappropriate matters. Even under the new policy, some of the filthy books are not even labeled in a way that would trigger parental notification.

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