Megyn Kelly Pulling Kids out of School Following Attacks on Whites as Inherently Racist
Megyn Kelly (AP Images)
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“Which boy in my kid’s school is the future killer cop?” journalist Megyn Kelly asked sarcastically this week, while announcing that she and her husband have decided to pull her children out of school in New York City. “Is it my boy? Which boy is it?”

Kelly was reacting to an article, which she said was written by Nahliah Webber, executive director of Orleans Public Education Network. The article asserted, “There is a killer cop sitting in every school where white children learn. They gleefully soak in their whitewashed history that downplays the holocaust of indigenous native peoples and Africans in the Americas.”

The article argued, “They happily believe their all-white spaces exist as a matter of personal effort and willingly use violence against black bodies to keep those spaces white.”

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Kelly noted that during her podcast, “The Megyn Kelly Show,” as part of the Devil May Care Media she launched after leaving Fox News, that she was sent a letter from the administrators of the school that her two young sons attend. According to Kelly, the school had a plan to implement an extreme social justice agenda, based on the assertion that white children are inherently racist.

Webber’s article claimed, “As black bodies drop like flies around us by violence at white hands, how can we in any of our minds conclude that whites are all right? White children are left unchecked and unbothered in their schools, homes, and communities to join, advance, and protect systems that take away black life. I am tired of white people reveling in their state-sanctioned depravity, snuffing out black life with no consequences.”

But Webber was not finished. She continued, “Where’s the urgency for school reform for white kids being indoctrinated in black death and protected from the consequences? Where are the government-sponsored reports looking into how white mothers are raising culturally deprived children who think black death is okay? Where are the national conferences, white papers, and policy positions on the pathology of whiteness in schools?”

Webber concluded her article with what needs to be done. “This time if you really want to make a difference in black lives — and not have to protest this s*** again — go reform white kids. Because that’s where the problem is — with white children being raised from infancy to violate black bodies with no remorse or accountability.”

Kelly responded to this anti-white racist rant, “It’s out of control on so many levels, and after years of resisting it, we’re going to leave the city. We pulled our boys from their school and our daughter is going to be leaving hers soon, too.” She added that her family would soon be leaving New York City altogether.

While the intensity of the vitriol from Webber is certainly shocking, it fits in well with the Marxist ideology that is driving it. When the average person thinks of Karl Marx and his 1848 book The Communist Manifesto, which he wrote for the League of the Just (later renamed the Communist League), he or she usually thinks of economic goals such as “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” or establishing a “dictatorship of the proletariat [the workers]” via a violent revolution, or abolishing private property. In a word, control of the economy.

Certainly, Marxism is that. But we must also remember that the communists want to destroy and remake all of society, not just the economy. They hate the institution of the family — a call for the abolition of the nuclear family is part of the self-described Marxist Black Lives Matter agenda, for example. Marx despised religion, especially Christianity and Judaism, comparing it to an addictive drug that keeps the “masses” in a stupor so strong that they have no desire to change society to fit the desires of Marxists.

An important aspect of Marxist goals is the idea that certain groups in society are abused, and that the implementation of the communist dictatorship will end the abuse. As such, Marxists often exploit grievances — legitimate or illegitimate — to advance their atheistic system. That is why they like to pit different parts of society against each other, such as men against women, the young against the old, and blacks against whites. Because of this, Marxists have seen African Americans as fertile ground to serve as cannon fodder to fundamentally transform America.

This is why Webber’s racist rantings and the anti-American 1619 Project, pushed by the New York Times, have intensified. They are all designed to undermine the founding of the country.