Are Kids Better Off Feral Than Going to Schools That Teach Depravity, Anti-Americanism & Racism?
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Both liberals and conservatives today are generally united in an often frantic desire to see schools, shut-down under a COVD pretext, reopen. Yet, given toxic new Illinois education rules that will be spread nationwide (which we first reported on here), are your children better off being raised like jungle boy Mowgli than being indoctrinated in modern schools?

Joy Pullman, executive editor of the Federalist, certainly thinks so — and with good reason. Just consider that to “obtain or keep teaching licenses, Illinois now requires all K-12 teachers to indoctrinate their students in critical race theory, destructive lies about sex and gender, and other leftist mind poison,” she writes.

The rules make clear that far from being places where children will learn the three r’s and (objective) truths, there now will be a reinforcement of what schools already were: propaganda mills that instill and twist children with lies, including those engendering moral depravity and hatred for America.

Illinois is very blunt about its agenda, requiring teachers to show that they “embrace and encourage progressive viewpoints and perspectives,” relates Pullman, quoting the new standards. Moreover, the rules explicitly state that all teaching must be infused with left-wing “falsehoods about race and sex, and actively discriminate based on religion, viewpoint, and race,” according to Pullman. Providing examples, she writes that the standards require teachers to:

Directly oppose and undermine the concept of objective truth: “Understand and value … that there is not one ‘correct’ way of doing or understanding something, and that what is seen as ‘correct’ is most often based on our lived experiences.” This is an exercise in forcing people to affirm two contradictory things, as the rest of the requirements are extremely dogmatic, not open to any other “way of doing or understanding something.”

Treat themselves and students as a determined product of their race, sex, and sexual behavior….

Believe and preach cultural Marxist identity politics: “Assess … how they access tools to mitigate their own [bigoted] behavior (racism, sexism, homophobia, unearned privilege, Eurocentrism, etc.).”

Agree the United States is systemically racist … [and] “work actively against these systems.”

Support different behavior standards based on race: “Know and understand how a system of inequity creates rules regarding student punishment that negatively impacts students of color.”

Engage in and support cultural Marxist activism….

Push students into leftist activism: “support and create opportunities for student advocacy and representation in the content and classroom” and “Create a risk-taking space that promotes student activism and advocacy.”

Introduce and promote adult sex behaviors and gender identity confusion: “Implement and integrate the wide spectrum and fluidity of identities in the curriculum.”

The kicker: Illinois’ state school board and legislature also eliminated the requirement that teachers demonstrate command of the subject matter they’re supposed to teach, according to Pullman. It’s now just full-bore left-wing indoctrination.

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Moreover, leftist social engineers are going to try to take this pedagogy nationwide under the guise of “civics” to fool unsuspecting parents.

Sadly, this is just a more extreme and in-your-face version of what I and others have reported on for years (see “Craziness in Kids’ Classes” and click, here, here, here, here, and here). In particular, The New American’s Alex Newman has done much good work in this area.

This said, many people can’t break the formal schooling habit. This is largely because, if you’re like most, you’re a creature of habit and may find the idea of personally educating your child daunting. But note that homeschooling parents without teaching degrees regularly achieve better outcomes than educators do. It’s not hard to understand why.

An analogy: Let’s say you’re poor, have trouble putting food on the table, and therefore send your child to a local food kitchen. But you notice that he appears not healthier but sicker, and learn that his “benefactors” are feeding him poison.

Obviously, you’d thenceforth avoid their “charity” like the plague. Poor nutrition is better than poisoned nutrition; lean and hungry is better than sated and sick.

Now, is it any different regarding what’s fed to children’s minds, hearts, and souls?

In fact, it’s far more significant.

The good news is that abandoning toxic schooling doesn’t have to relegate your kids to intellectual starvation. You not only can do better than government propaganda mills — “It’s easy to compete with stupid and evil,” as Pullman puts it. “Just don’t be stupid or evil” — you can actually shine.

How do you proceed? Pullman mentions that parents can seek out education “pods,” which are essentially small private schools that could be hosted by most churches and community organizations and which are affordable. It’s just a matter of taking the initiative and of churches and other traditionalist groups stepping up to the plate.

Then there’s Freedom Project Academy, which “offers a fully accredited, Classical education for Kindergarten through high school” (without Common Core corruption), as its website informs.

What’s the alternative? Letting your kids be taught that they can switch sexes spontaneously, perversion is preference, America is anathema, being white isn’t “woke,” their parents are prejudiced, Western civilization must wane, vice is virtue, relativism is reality, and socialism is sublime.

This is no joke. We are losing our children to mind snatchers. It really is true that your kids are better off being feral than indoctrinated; they’re better off running wild than being initiated into moral savagery.

After all, the uneducated will make blunders — but the miseducated can be truly dangerous. The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia would brainwash children and have them help tyrannize, and perhaps even kill, their parents. Then there’s the story of German teen Walter Hess, whose father was hauled off to Dachau after the boy reported him to authorities for “wrongthink.”

If today’s parents don’t want to possibly end up on their knees in a re-education camp spouting leftist ideology — with their children’s twisted tongues having put them there — they’d better take action now.

For whatever “American exceptionalism” may mean, it doesn’t mean we’re excepted from the realities of man’s nature, and history does repeat itself.