Ivy League Colleges Working Hand-in-hand With Chinese Military-linked Institutions
MaynardClark/Wikimedia Commons
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America’s Ivy League schools are collaborating with Chinese institutions that have been deemed risks to U.S. national security.

Specifically, Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale School of Medicine work with entities backed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or the Chinese military. These schools conducted collaborative research and educational programming with groups tied to the regime. These studies focused on Chinese health planning.

Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health administers an academic exchange-focused health partnership with seven Chinese universities, training Chinese participants to act as agents of reform in their country’s healthcare system.

At least six of those seven schools have serious security risks due to their links to research on behalf of the People’s Liberation Army.

Three of the seven schools — Sichuan University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, and Tsinghua University — work to develop technologies for Chinese defense, including the communist nation’s nuclear program. The three universities also are tied to Chinese espionage initiatives.

Ian Easton, a senior director in China policy at the Project 2049 Institute, told the Free Beacon that America’s top universities are opening up healthcare as a new battlefront in competition between the U.S. and China. These partnerships, he maintained, could undermine the privacy of patients in both countries.

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“You may not be interested in the CCP, but the CCP is interested in you. It wants to collect all your personal and private data. It wants to leverage your data against you, your values, and your way of life,” said Easton. “The danger of that happening is very real. There is nothing benign or humanistic about the CCP’s approach to medicine, and its exploitation of the global biotech industry ought to be repudiated.”

The outlet reports:

The Yale School of Medicine has a longstanding partnership with the Chinese city of Shenzhen and a network of hospitals across China, doing research to streamline China’s approach to health care. Yale also assisted in building a database that collected biomedical data from 400,000 Chinese people.

The University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Global Health runs its own program cooperating with Beijing. The Penn-China Anesthesia Program works with Peking Union Medical College, one of China’s elite institutions for medical research. The college is directly overseen by the Chinese Communist Party’s National Health Commission, which oversees Chinese health care policy. The commission has been linked to human-rights abuses perpetrated against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.

“While U.S.-PRC medical exchanges may have seemed acceptable in the past, they look different today when cast in the lurid light of the facts we currently have before us,” Easton added, arguing that the exchanges in which the Ivy League schools are participating threaten American national security while simultaneously hurting the interests of the Chinese public.

“China’s government is engaging in mass genocide, a crime against humanity. This is going on right now. Today, Beijing is the most egregious violator of human rights on the planet,” Easton concluded.

According to information from the director of national intelligence, policy planners in Beijing are trying to weaponize Americans’ biomedical data against the United States. China has also pursued a strategy of “vaccine diplomacy,” under which it has pushed its own coronavirus vaccine in order to grow its geopolitical influence.

China has long been at work on U.S. campuses. The State Department found that China has worked to promote anti-American sentiment in colleges. Per another report, American universities have received at least $88 million in capital linked to the Chinese military. 

Joe Biden has dialed down the Trump administration’s hardline stance against Communist China. For example, he rolled back a Trump executive order that would have crushed Confucius Institutes, campus cultural centers that are, in fact, hubs by which the Chinese government infiltrates American schools.

Biden also terminated a Trump-era executive order that kept China out of America’s power grid by prohibiting the “acquisition, importation, transfer, or installation” of bulk power system (BPS)equipment by any entity that “poses an undue risk to the BPS.”

Gutting that order was one of Biden’s first acts in the White House, carried out as part of his “Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis.”

Thus far, Joe Biden’s presidency has been very good for Communist China.