Government Threatens to Shut Down Christian Schools

From FreedomProject Media:

Authorities in Canada’s Alberta province are giving Christian schools a choice: Quit being Christian and teaching the truth of God’s Word, or be suspended and potentially even shut down. And because the schools all take government funding at this point, odds are good that the totalitarian gender ideologues running the education bureaucracy will get their wish, absent a massive public outcry.

The Newman Report first reported on Big Brother’s persecution of Christian schools and families in Alberta last year. At the time, provincial indoctrination bureaucrats were bullying the schools into promoting homosexuality, sodomy, gender confusion, fornication, masturbation, and more, in violation of Christian teaching. When schools resisted, unhinged miseducation officials exploded into a rage. Now, they are going further.

Recently, the provincial Department of “Education” in Alberta warned sixty private Christian schools that they are in violation of the “Safe and Caring Schools” policy adopted in 2016, Crisis magazine reported. The reason: Their materials still include references to God, the inerrant truth of scripture, the fact that God created people male and female, and so on.

Among the officially banned phrases are:

• “We believe men and women were created in the image of God … and therefore have transcendent, intrinsic worth.”

• “Parents are the primary educators…”

• “The unchangeable and infallible truth of the Word of God…”

• “God created mankind as male and female, equal in dignity and worth…”

To read the rest of the article, click here.

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