“Elite” NYC School Head Caught on Audio: “We’re Demonizing White People for Being Born”
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

If you can call him “good,” he’s one of those good men Edmund Burke said were responsible for the “triumph of evil.”

Meet George Davison, headmaster of New York City’s pseudo-elite Grace Church School. Though his institution indoctrinates children with the latest academic swill — Critical Race Theory — Davison is privately opposed to it.

We know because he admitted as much on leaked audio, confessing, “We’re demonizing white people for being born” (and all for a paltry $57,000 yearly tuition for students from kindergarten through grade 12).

The Daily Mail summarizes the story:

  • Leaked audio captures headmaster of elite NYC school AGREEING with teacher who was banned from classroom for speaking out about white-shaming students
  • Math teacher Paul Rossi, who was pulled from his classes at Grace Church School (GCS) after criticizing the school’s anti-racism policies, released [the] audio Tuesday
  • Headmaster George Davison acknowledges that white kids are being demonized in a taped telephone conversation
  • Math teacher Paul Rossi claimed Grace Church School was indoctrinating pupils
  • He said he could not stay silent “witnessing the harmful impact” of the lessons
  • He has now been “relieved of his teaching duties”, the school confirmed Monday
  • Shortly after rel[ea]sing the video Rossi told DailyMail.com that several people at the school have offered him words of support but he doesn’t blame them for not speaking out
  •  “People have a duty to the truth and they also have a duty to their families, and everyone must weigh those priorities for themselves”

For those unacquainted with Critical Race Theory (CRT), journalist Christopher Rufo provided a good summary of what it is in practice. At a March 30, 2021 Hillsdale College lecture, he explained:

Last year, I authored a series of reports focused on critical race theory in the federal government. The FBI was holding workshops on intersectionality theory. The Department of Homeland Security was telling white employees they were committing “microinequities” and had been “socialized into oppressor roles.” The Treasury Department held a training session telling staff members that “virtually all white people contribute to racism” and that they must convert “everyone in the federal government” to the ideology of “antiracism.” And the Sandia National Laboratories, which designs America’s nuclear arsenal, sent white male executives to a three-day reeducation camp, where they were told that “white male culture” was analogous to the “KKK,” “white supremacists,” and “mass killings.” The executives were then forced to renounce their “white male privilege” and write letters of apology to fictitious women and people of color.

Unfortunately, CRT has been embraced by our “changeist,” unintellectual pseudo-elite and has propagated throughout our system like a computer virus, infecting institutions great and small. Rossi related in part how it was affecting GCS in his leaked audio, which he’d released to Twitter.

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“Let me ask you something, George, because I think there’s something very different about having a single experience where you make sense of it, right, and having a teacher, an authority figure, talk to you endlessly, every year, telling you, that because you have whiteness you are associated with evils, all these different evils,” the fired teacher told Headmaster Davison in their recorded conversation, which occurred March 2.

The Mail then related what followed:

“These are moral evils, it’s not the same as taking a physical thing, because it doesn’t affect your moral value. That’s the problem” [said Rossi].

Davison replies, “The fact is that I’m agreeing with you that there has been a demonization that we need to get our hands around, in the way in which people are doing this understanding.”

“So you agree that we’re demonizing kids,” Rossi states.

“We’re demonizing ki,” Davison says before cutting himself off. Then he adds, “We’re demonizing white people, for being born.”

“And are some of our students white people?” Rossi asks.

“Yes,” the head of school replies.

“Okay, so we’re demonizing white kids,” Rossi says. “Why don’t you just say it?”

Davison replies, “We are using language that makes them feel less than, for nothing that they are personally responsible for.”

(Audio below. Relevant portion begins at 5:00.)

This isn’t the only bad press GCS has gotten recently. Just last month the school was in the news for sending a guide “to students and parents that encourages them to alter their speech to conform to gender neutral language, including pushing students to stop referring to their parents as ‘mom’ and ‘dad,’” the description of the related video below tells us. “The guide, titled ‘Grace Inclusive Language Guide,’ actually excludes language in an effort to redefine terms according to progressive identity politics.”

Interestingly, GCS isn’t the only Manhattan K-12 propaganda mill to enter this week’s Politically Correct Hall of Shame. Below is a Tuesday video of Fox News host Tucker Carlson reading a letter from New York City parent Andrew Gutmann, who explained that he wouldn’t be re-enrolling his daughter in the all-girls Brearly School (tuition, reportedly $54,000 a year) because of its totalitarian nature and cultish race obsession.

While it’s easy beating up on these wholly overrated institutions, remember that they’re just the iceberg’s tip. CRT is now most everywhere. But why?

Many analysts, falling into the very human trap of seeking simple ways to define the world, will offer simplistic explanations. But man’s nature is complex, and bad ideas don’t take root unless they offer something to a range of different groups.

There are those who actually believe in CRT. Many academics are in this camp; they’re useful idiots. There are those embracing it because they truly hate white people, and CRT provides an intellectual veneer for their wrath- and vindictiveness-motivated anti-white policies; they’re useful idiots, too. Then there are the mercenary types who realize they can cash in by exploiting the CRT fad; White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo may be a prime example.

Then there are the megalomaniacs who realize that CRT is a good divide-and-conquer strategy for attaining power. Kamala Harris, unprincipled to the core, seems thus inclined. Of course, making the picture more complicated still is that a given person can have multiple motivations (e.g., being hateful but also wanting money).

As for the race-oriented power angle, the aforementioned Rufo mentioned that American leftists at some point made a tactical shift. “Abandoning Marx’s economic dialectic of capitalists and workers,” he stated, “they substituted race for class and sought to create a revolutionary coalition of the dispossessed based on racial and ethnic categories.”

Remember that as Chinese general Sun Tzu pointed out, you attack where your opponent is weak. The United States is far richer than was 1917 Russia, but also far more balkanized. This means that playing the class-warfare card won’t yield fruit here the way it did there (though it’s still used to an extent).

But the race-card can.

And does.

As a Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) radical said in the 1960s, “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution” — to the power mongers. And the revolution continues apace as most Americans sleep.