Chicago Teachers Union Deletes Crazy Tweet, Retweets Same Claim. Twitter Feed Needs Adult Supervision.
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A metaphysical certitude: The Chicago Teachers Union is a collection of crackpots more woke than the wokest crackpots on the Left.

The evidence: its Twitter feed.

A recently deleted tweet said reopening schools so kids can go to class is racist, sexist, and misogynist. How so, the union did not explain, and despite deleting the claim, it retweeted other users who said the same thing.

Yet a look at the running commentary on the union’s anonymously written feed shows that all the obsessions of the crackpot Left, particularly “racism,” obsess the city’s perpetually angry pedagogues.

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The Tweet

“The push to reopen schools is rooted in racism, sexism, and misogyny,” CTU tweeted:

Not surprisingly, answers to the nutty claim came quickly:

“Some people really don’t like doing their jobs,” tweeted Grant Addison, deputy editor of the Washington Examiner.

Another user was more acerbic:

@ChicagoTeachersUnion is a perfect example of why “we can’t seem to fix stupid”, because the teacher’s Union is bat s**t 😜 crazy and indoctrinates our children with this insanity.

“When they you tell it’s about safety, it’s about power over others,” another tweet said.

Thus chastened, CTU deleted the daffy remark, but then followed with this:

Fair enough. Complex issue. Requires nuance. And much more discussion. More important, the people the decision affects deserve more. So we’ll continue give them that. 

Appreciate the feedback of those truly in the struggle.

What that means is a mystery, but anyway, when Mayor Lori Lightfoot tweeted that “vaccines save lives,” which itself is debatable in the case of the Chinese Virus, CTU answered with this: “So does being allowed the opportunity to work remotely during a raging pandemic.”

Other Tweets

Though CTU deleted the silly tweet about reopening schools and “racism,” it didn’t back down. It tweeted something similar later on Sunday, and retweeted other users who expressed the same sentiment.

Tweeted nonsense:

We hit all the nerves today. Imagine if that passion had be there long before COVID-19. Perhaps Black and Brown families wouldn’t be so mistrustful of a system—and a society—that doesn’t value their lives.

“COVID-19 is deadly for Black and Brown minorities,” one user agreed:

Some people, “My family and I got COVID and we survived, they’ll be alright, open the schools” When hear things like this I wonder do they want to open the schools to kill more Black and Brown minorities…I’m just saying.

Yet CTU’s Twitter feed is much more than a litany of pleas to stay home and hide from the virus because of “racism.” It’s a clearinghouse for left-wing grievances, and is particularly fixated on imaginary racial wrongs.

And so CTU retweeted this:

Been feeling this lately. We can discuss the merits of reopening but the conversation cannot be rooted in white supremacy. White folks questioning BIPOC’s intelligence, especiall women of color. Our ability to “understand the science.” The coded language is hella out of pocket.

On Friday, the union tweeted openly anti-white propaganda about “white-male mediocrity” from Ijeoma Oluo, a heretofore unknown writer who will, undoubtedly, be a leading candidate for a Nobel prize or MacArthur genius grant:

White male mediocrity seems to impact every aspect of our lives, and yet it only seems to be people who aren’t white men who recognize the imbalance.

And not surprisingly, the outfit peddles propaganda about the anti-white, anti-American Black Panthers of the 1960s. So also on Friday, it retweeted the claim that Mark Clark and Fred Hampton, two Panthers killed in a police raid in 1969, were “assassinated.”

The union also backs defund-the-police activists. On Wednesday, it retweeted the false narrative that police are wantonly killing blacks for no reason.

H/T: Fox News