Brainwashed Students Say Father of the Constitution Must Go!

From FreedomProject Media:

An indoctrinated Wisconsin student is working to have the name of her government school changed, claiming the name of James Madison (shown), widely known as “father of the U.S. Constitution,” is offensive and not inclusive. The city in which James Madison Memorial High School is located is also named after America’s fourth president, though for now, at least, the city’s name appears safe.

“The significance of this name in association with my school has a negative effect on memorials black students,” claimed Mya Berry, the student behind the effort, in a petition posted at “The lack of representation I feel in this school makes me feel more than unsafe. I do not feel supported by the majority of staff at memorial.”

The primary tool of attack in the latest jihad against American heritage by indoctrinated government-school students is the issue of slavery. Berry claimed, falsely, that Madison had “enslaved” her ancestors. In reality, he never enslaved anyone, according to the definition of the word.

Historical information does indicate that Madison inherited around 100 slaves from his father, along with the Montpelier plantation in Virginia. But it seems the misguided high-school student, like most other victims of government “schooling” in America today, was not told the full story.

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