Betsy DeVos Seeks European Education for America

From FreedomProject Media:

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos (shown) is pushing to transform America’s government-education regime to more closely resemble the European (and Soviet) model — a glorified workforce-training program rather than a true education in the traditional American understanding of the term. Critics, however, warned that the workforce-training model popular in Europe and in the former Soviet Union misses the point of education and has no place in a free society.

Last month, as she pushes to merge her department with the Labor Department, DeVos made a trip to Europe, stopping in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, among other places. The two key takeaways from her trip, based on public statements, appear to be that education should be geared toward helping central planners decide what children will do in the future, and that government should hijack control of what remains of private education under the guise of “choice.”

In a press release after her trip, DeVos claimed Americans should emulate European education schemes because it was better for the economy. “There is much to learn from our European counterparts as they continue to advance education options centered on the needs of individual students and focused on their ability to succeed in the modern economy,” said DeVos, using nice rhetoric to conceal a dangerous agenda.

As “proof” of the need to emulate Europe, she cited results on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). What she did not mention is that PISA does not measure how well students do in math, reading, or even science. “In the latest iteration in 2015, questions covered collaborative problem solving, social skills, and even psychological well-being,” explained EdSurge. In other words, the international test measures how well students conform to the demands of central planners — not how well-educated they are in the traditional sense.

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