Back to School in the Age of Trump

From FreedomProject Media:

It’s late August, 2017 A.T. (After Trump), and the first new school year since the 2016 presidential election has commenced. Get ready for the most divisive, unhinged, and politicized classrooms in the long, sad history of American government schools. Amid the rapid creep of social justice education—kudzu vines of progressive craziness that include the sexualization of preschoolers, the trans-gendering of elementary schoolers, the shaming of white and Christian middle schoolers, and the coopting of science in the name of global warming for high schoolers—one topic will dominate all discussion: Trump.

You may recall how in 2008, government schools compelled children during class time to sing paeans to dear leader Obama, indulging the fantasies of fanboy faculties drunk on the messianic smarm of the community “organizer” who promised to lower sea levels and unify a nation of bitter clingers. The 2017-18 school year, however, will see classrooms transformed from perfumed clouds of progressive beatitude to inquisitorial sites of shameless liberal value-signaling, as teachers and administrators vie amongst themselves to purge students insufficiently hostile to Trump and all the strawman evils projected upon him.

Consider the welcome rolled out for students by 7th grade teacher Ryan Gillaspie of Iowa, who created a bulletin board display titled “Historical Bullies” for the first day of class. The board featured pictures of Hitler, bin Laden, Stalin, Kim Jong-un, Sadam Hussein, and … Trump.

To read the rest of the article and watch a video on the subject, click here.
