Stop Giving Money to People Who Hate You: The New Anti-woke, Amazon-like Alternative

If you’re tired of giving money to woke corporations that fund political correctness with your pocketbook and then laugh all the way to the bank, well, you now may be able to wipe that smile right off their faces. For there’s a new big-business player in town: a patriotic online marketplace called Public Square (PublicSq.).

What’s more, with reports that it’s set to merge with Colombier Acquisition Corporation in a $200 million deal, the hope is that it will give every consumer an Amazon-like alternative to our increasingly woke business world.

The Daily Mail reports on the story, writing that the San Diego-based PublicSq.

launched nationwide seven months ago and now hosts nearly 50,000 ‘patriotic’ vendors and has processed millions of transactions.

It’s now drawn in conservative heavyweights like Donald Trump Jr., who serves as an investor and an adviser, and former Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters, who is an advisor.

‘People need to stop giving their money to businesses that hate them. We aren’t going to defeat woke corporations by whining on Twitter,’ Trump Jr. told

…The company offers consumers an alternative online sales platform at a time when the GOP has made ‘progressive corporatism’ and Big Tech abuses its new battlefront.

‘We’re the nation’s largest directory of patriotic, America-first businesses and consumers that has ever existed,’ Michael Seifert, the company’s founder, told in an interview.

Those involved in the platform find themselves at the center of the new conservative movement to take on ‘woke’ corporations.

In a sign of the nation’s ever-growing right-left divide, they say they are working to create a ‘parallel economy’ where consumers don’t have to purchase anything from vendors whose political values don’t align with their own.

Of course, with that last line, it could sound as if at issue are intolerant people who don’t play well with others. In reality, few expect a business’ “values” to perfectly align with their own. Many just ask that big business not embrace pedal-to-the-metal, uber-woke anti-Americanism while encouraging actual intolerance: the canceling of those who dissent.

Yet corporate political correctness is now status quo. For instance, major companies have been found conducting woke training that involved “putting ‘marginalized’ staff above ‘privileged’ staff, learning to ‘decolonize their minds’ and combating aspects of an alleged ‘White supremacy culture,’ such as perfectionism, individualism and objectivity,” reported Fox News in 2021.

A few more of a multitude of examples are Covergirl having a male “cover girl,” Lyft allowing users to choose their “pronouns,” Gillette advertising with a “transgender” teen’s first shave, and PayPal banning users critical of Islam. Then there are all the corporations that donated approximately $100 million (and perhaps more) to neo-Marxist organization Black Lives Matter.

The PublicSq. endeavor came on the heels of Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, which also was an effort to break the woke industrial complex’s stranglehold on America. Those behind PublicSq. have expressed this desire, too. Per Business Wire:

Michael Seifert, the Founder and CEO of PublicSq., said: “For too long, progressive corporations have prioritized highly politicized ideas over the interests and values of the American people. Because of this, we, as patriotic Americans, are hungering for a future where the power is back in the hands of ‘We the People’ and a parallel economy is created. With the PublicSq. platform, we are grateful to provide a solution that helps every day, freedom-loving Americans spend their hard-earned money with businesses that prioritize the values that have made this nation so special in the first place.

…Omeed Malik, the CEO and Chairman of Colombier, stated: “It has become increasingly obvious that there is a disconnect in America between the priorities of large multinational corporations that dominate our consumer experience and the hard-working families and individuals who yearn to find proudly patriotic businesses whose values align with theirs. PublicSq. has recognized and acted on this unmet need in a credible and efficient way — and with the tremendous growth of its digital platform, it is clear that Michael and his team are just getting started.”

Malik appeared on a recent Tucker Carlson Today edition (video segment below) to discuss yet another aspect of the matter: corporate America’s shameful pandering to China — and how, in contrast, PublicSq. invests in our nation.

Malik was also on Tucker Carlson Tonight Monday evening, and he and host Carlson made a point we ignore at our own peril. “We are slouching towards social credit scores in this country,” said Malik, “and so we need to create this economy to insulate ourselves from that — because the battlefield for liberty will be around commerce, not just politics.”

“That’s exactly right,” Carlson responded. “You can have all the opinions you want, but if all the money is on the other side, you’re going to obey in the end.”

Sadly true. It’s said — when discussing our main geopolitical rival, China, for instance — that military power flows from economic power. So it is with culture wars: Bankrupt your foe, and he won’t have the resources to fight back.

This is precisely what the woke establishment has been doing, too. “Deplatforming” dissenting individuals and entities, “demonetizing” videos, and starving conservative websites of traffic and ad revenue are just a few examples. So while we often hear about “defunding the police,” the reality is that the Left doesn’t talk about defunding the Right — it just does it.

So the moral of this story? It’s time for conservative America, 100-million strong, to start putting its money where its interests are.