Lovin’ Themselves Some COVID: One-worlders Say “Lockdowns Are Quietly Improving Cities Around the World”
Photo: Leo Cunha Media / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Is a new film in the offing? Perhaps Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Coronavirus? We could thus wonder after the World Economic Forum (WEF) posted a bizarre but revealing tweet, with an embedded video, and proclaimed that “lockdowns are quietly improving cities around the world.”

Never mind that lockdowns have destroyed many thousands of businesses, ruined and ended lives, and further torn the social fabric. It’s all good, according to the WEF.

“Earth’s seismic noise has been the lowest in decades due to lockdowns,” its video enthusiastically reports. “Scientists saw a ‘wave of quiet’ around the world in 2020. Ambient noise fell in some cities 50%, as fewer people used transport and factories closed.”

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My, the WEF would then love a disease that wiped out virtually all of humanity, à la The Last Man on Earth or its remake The Omega Man.

Ironically, too, the WEF video opens with a deserted-streets scene quite reminiscent of the latter flick.

The video later stated, “There were also record falls in air pollution, clearing city skies from Asia to America.… Carbon emissions were also down 7% last year.”

“But the drop won’t slow climate change unless we lock in emissions cuts,” the WEF continued.

Really, it should be, “But the drop won’t slow climate change unless we lock in emissions cuts” because, as Nancy Pelosi might say, “Climates will do what they do.”

Misanthropic globalists will do what they do, too. Speaking of which, commentator Thomas Lifson gives us the straight dope on the WEF. Founded “by Klaus Schwab in 1970, [it] hosts a yearly January gathering of global corporate and political elites in Davos, Switzerland,” he writes. “Annually, it draws hundreds of private jets, as attendees gather to assure the rest of us that we must tighten our belts and sacrifice our standard of living in order to reduce carbon emissions.”

The organization calls itself “the foremost creative force for engaging the world’s top leaders in collaborative activities to shape the global, regional and industry agendas at the beginning of each year,” relates Lifson, quoting the WEF.

“That sounds an awful lot like powerful people conspiring with each other to force change on the rest of us,” the writer then notes. “Such candor is refreshing, in a way, though chilling as well.”

“Of late, the WEF have been pushing a concept called ‘The Great Reset,’ as the theme of their 2020 meeting (where the sage Greta Thunberg was a featured speaker),” Lifson also reminds us, “and as the title of a book co-authored by Herr Doktor Schawb [sic], in which fundamental changes to the world social, political and economic order are called for.”

Ergo the love-those-lockdowns video (below), which, after being posted to Twitter February 26, was deleted by the WEF the very next day following an outcry from the sane.

(Note: If YouTube sends the video to the corn field, it may perhaps be viewed here, Lifson points out.)

And some of the twitterati savaging the WEF identified well its mindset. For example:

Evident with some of these misanthropic pseudo-elites is a desire for world with a reduced population and standard of living, as long as they personally don’t have to be part of either reduction. We don’t need all these great unwashed, is the thinking; maybe just enough to perform necessary menial labor (the pseudo-elites do need their lawns mowed) — that is, until carbon-neutral robots can assume those roles.

Absent here, of course, is even a modicum of philosophical depth. What is the meaning of life? Why is a more natural world with fewer humans better? And how is man “unnatural,” anyway, if we’re just highly evolved animals, as the pseudo-elites generally assert? Who says any of this matters? Is this from God’s lips to pseudo-elite ears?

Philosophy aside, big government enviro-schemes are not only doomed to fail, but invariably yield greater environmental degradation. This is why the freest, most prosperous countries have the best environments while despotic nations have generally ravaged their own lands.

As I explained in “Why the Greentopians Would Destroy the Earth,” this is because the two things necessary for a good environment are freedom that yields representative government and prosperity.

Generally, only immoral people rise to power under autocratic systems, and immoral people will as a rule destroy the environment as suits their agenda. Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and today’s Chinese leadership are relevant examples. And what’s to stop such individuals from effecting environmental rape? They’re not accountable to the people.

Prosperity matters because when “there’s food on the table, there are many problems; when there’s no food on the table, there’s only one problem,” as the Chinese proverb goes. Poor people aren’t worried about forests or fauna; they’re busy just trying to survive.

But the pseudo-elites have their fantasies, deep, dark fantasies. And just every once in a while, as with the WEF, they drop the façade and give us a glimpse into the machinations behind the mask.