Will Hunter Biden Be Canceled for Using N-Word? The “Little People” Sure Are
Joe Biden, right, embraces son Hunter Biden / AP Images
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So the rule is that white people can never, ever use the n-word under any circumstances, not even as a greeting or for illustrative purposes. It’s only for black people’s usage and rap songs.

That is, unless you’re the president’s son and a connected liberal — such as Hunter Biden.

He used the n-word on multiple occasions, the Daily Mail reports, and the mainstream media don’t seem to find the story newsworthy. In fact, as of this writing, when you do a site-specific search and enter “site:cnn.com ‘Hunter Biden’ n-word” into Google, the response is “It looks like there aren’t many great matches for your search.” I’ll bet!

(In fact, the top result offered is a 2019 CNN article titled, “Fact check: What Trump has been getting wrong on Biden and Ukraine.” But, hey, don’t you know? Media and GoogTwitFace bias is a right-wing fantasy.)

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To be clear, Biden the Younger didn’t use the word maliciously, but in correspondence with his white attorney. The problem?

The cancel cultists never consider this fact exculpatory when the “transgressor” is anyone but a leftist pseudo-elite. More on that momentarily.

The Mail summarized the story Tuesday, writing

  • Text messages obtained by DailyMail.com reveal Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in banter with his lawyer 
  • The president’s son, 51, flippantly addressed corporate attorney George Mesires, who is white, by the racial slur, with phrases including ‘true dat n***a’
  • In a December 2018 conversation, Hunter asked Mesires: ‘How much money do I owe you. Becaause (sic) n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.’
  • In another chat a month later, Hunter cracked jokes about his penis and then told Mesires ‘I only love you because you’re black’
  • ‘It’s so annoying when you interject with frivolity,’ the Chicago lawyer replied
  • The damning texts have emerged just days after his father, President Joe Biden[,] gave a speech decrying racism on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre
  • Biden has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration
  • Hunter also saved a meme with a photo of his father hugging Barack Obama with a caption describing a joke conversation
  • ‘Obama: Gonna miss you, man  Joe: Can I say it? Just this once? Obama: *sigh* go ahead Joe: You my n***a, Barack’

The paper also informs that neither Biden “nor Mesires responded to DailyMail.com’s request for comment.” Of course not. That would just delay the media’s memory-holing of the story.

But memories are a bit longer, and wrath unrelenting, when the hoi polloi (or conservatives) transgress against “wokeness.” For example, there’s the case of a first-year student at Rutgers Law School in Newark who used the word last year “while quoting from a 1993 legal opinion in class, warning her fellow students beforehand that the quote contained the slur,” the Mail reminds us.

Despite her disclaimer, a petition was circulated demanding that she and her professor apologize.

But that’s nothing. Last December, incoming freshman Mimi Groves was booted off the University of Tennessee’s cheer team and was forced to withdraw from the school over n-word outrage. Her unpardonable sin?

She was seen in a few-seconds of Snapchat video, sent to a friend while she was driving in traffic, lightheartedly saying, “I can drive, n****s!”

Oh, this was in 2016 — when she was 15.

Then there’s ex-American Idol finalist Caleb Kennedy, 16. He never even uttered the n-word. Rather, he was seen in a three-second video — from when he was 12 — seated next to a child who was dressed up as a character from a horror movie.

But his age-mate’s costume resembled a Klan hood, and that was enough to compel his departure from American Idol last month.

So woe betide the preteen or immature adolescent who doesn’t understand the nuances of Wokedom, and what they’ll be five years hence, and strictly govern his behavior with its (anti)social codes. But a middle-aged man circulating in the halls of power? Hey, give the guy a break — he was on drugs half the time.

Of course, that excuse probably wouldn’t work for NASCAR driver Kyle Larson, even if he were a crack addict. And he’s “still apologizing for his similarly foolish but non-malicious use of the [n-]word,” OutKick reminds us. “Larson was crucified in the media, fired by Chip Ganassi Racing, and lost nearly all of his sponsors.”

Now, it should be mentioned that this n-word obsession is ridiculous to begin with. Yes, the term’s usage is silly and low-class. But the whole idea that black youths can use it continually and it can pepper rap songs but that others can’t even use it lightheartedly, or illustratively or when quoting another, is a sign of a highly morally disordered society. Moreover, the people who puff up their chests value-signaling over the word are generally the same ones who’ve helped mainstream vulgarity.

This story also illustrates, again, why the politically correct thought police should never be taken seriously. Their sanctimony often fools many, but they don’t have principles but provisional preferences, which they deploy selectively and when convenient. As I wrote Tuesday quoting The New Criterion on “Leninthink,” a true leftist “automatically says what is most useful, with no reflection necessary.”

And the truth is that, as increasingly is the case today with governmental laws, social laws (codes) now exist not to order society but to cement pseudo-elite leftists’ cultural and political power.