U of Chicago Law Professor Says Trump Should Be “Deposed and Jailed”

Now General James Mattis “needs to encourage his military colleagues who share his respect for American democracy and the rule of law to do what he should have done in office,” wrote the academic.

“Trump should be deposed and jailed,” he elaborated, “and VP Pence should conclude his term and stand for election, if he chooses, this fall. Let the nightmare end.”

University of Chicago law professor Brian Leiter has now deleted the above, which was expressed on his personal blog, claiming it was a joke. “I have, it appears, more faith in the U.S. military, and its commitment to the rule of law, than most readers,” he wrote in a June 6 addendum. Yes, how ignorant of you not to get it, you flyover rubes. Now have a good belly laugh and read yourself some Marx.

Yet people hardly noticed Leiter’s leit-heartedness; given what’s going on, calling for a military coup in the rule of law’s name is apparently small potatoes. And it is hard to make the outrageousness cut with today’s competition.

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Just consider, for instance, a call to violence attributed to a California defense attorney named Mark McBride (language warning):

Anyone know a good defense attorney for McBride? How about a good English teacher? (After demeaning cops’ intellects, he misspelled “asphalt.”)

Then there’s left-wing comedian and ex-Rosanne Barr hubby Tom Arnold. Taking a break from his anti-gun agitation, he tweeted June 6, “2nd Amendment is for everyone including black men with long guns but it’s f[******] time for us white liberal men to stand up for our brothers & sisters. Borrow our dad’s hunting rifles & go nose to nose with Trump’s gang of misfit tools. Let’s do it @robreiner #BlackLivesMatter https://twitter.com/bdaviskc/status/1268401251978563585 …

Now, Professor Leiter could learn from Arnold. The image of the actor and Rob Reiner — Meathead — launching an assault on conservatives with their dads’ hunting rifles is actually funny. It might work, though: The Trump supporters could die laughing.

Speaking of which, George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley, writing that Leiter “appeared to call for a military coup,” also stated, “I am entirely convinced that Leiter honestly meant this [his call for a coup] as a joke and that he is committed to the rule of law.” (Emphasis added.)

Alright, you be the judge. Below is a tweet containing Leiter’s comment and the context in which it was made. (You may have to magnify the text. Hold down “Ctrl” on your keyboard and tap the “+” sign until the size is sufficient).

Note that Professor Turley attended Leiter’s school, the University of Chicago, which is apparently where humor meters go to die.

Unfortunately, what’s currently occurring is no laughing matter. While Leiter, McBride, and other leftists suffer no consequences — and are often applauded — for making outrageous statements (even sometimes encouraging rioting), and while miscreants may be given free rein to burn and loot, those not supporting leftism are destroyed for saying boo.

Just consider how Sacramento Kings play-by-play announcer Grant Napear just lost his job for tweeting “All Lives Matter…Every Single One!” Not discriminating among deaths based on color is apparently now a sin.

Then there’s how the Los Angeles Galaxy just released soccer player Aleksandar Katai over sentiments relating to the riots his wife posted to Instagram. So is the assumption now that a man somehow has a colonial era level of dominion over his wife? For with responsibility must come authority. If the man is held responsible for his wife’s statements, what does that imply?

But now you know why Americans, from peons to princes, are bending knees and lying prone before the mob. They’re showing their obeisance lest their destruction come next, as the ever-burgeoning Left pursues its pacification effort, stamping out dissent in one societal sector after another.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson discussed, and warned about, this “crackdown on free speech” last night (video below). The relevant portion begins at 12:46, but the whole segment is well worth watching.

An iron muzzle has long been descending across the United States, and now that descent is accelerating. But silence equals submission. Speak now or you may forever be made to hold your peace.

Photo: chaiyapruek2520 / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, and The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio.