“Trans-racialism”: After 18 Operations, “Non-binary” White Man Says He’s Korean

It used to be that when people believed they were something they weren’t, they were called crazy. Now they may be called “brave” and by odd pronouns as those calling them what they are are called names. But perhaps just as crazy are people who cherry-pick which delusions shall be exalted.

A case in point is a British “social influencer” (a relatively new and tiresome designation that’s worthy of an article itself) named Oli London, though he takes exception to being called “British” because he now, after 18 operations, claims to be Korean — not just in terms of nationality, mind you, but racially. In fact, London, who now wants to go by the Korean name “Jimin,” also would no doubt take exception to being called “he” as he claims to be “non-binary” and insists his pronouns are “they/them.”

(For the record, “non-binary” means that a person doesn’t identify as male or female.)

London made his announcement in a June 28 video in which he stated that he was trying to look like his idol, a singer named Park Jimin from K-Pop group BTS.

“I identify with the Korean community,” London said. “Maybe they will accept me more now because I have ‘the look.’ Maybe people will think I’m actually Korean, which will make me really happy. They can see how much I love their culture. This is the extreme length that I have gone to because I love Korea so much.”

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London proceeded to say that he wanted to make the singer Jimin “proud …that I look exactly like him now” and “have his eyes” (video below).

London also posted a longer video (below) to YouTube on June 26 titled “Being KOREAN…” in which he said that “identity” issues had long plagued him. “I finally had the courage of undergoing my racial transition surgery,” he then stated.  

It’s hard to know how much London’s claims are driven by actual “disordered” feelings as opposed to a desire for attention, though both motivations are most likely factors. But he’s clearly a confused, troubled man who deserves pity — far more than do his enablers.

One enabler is a writer, also obviously confused, named Elana Rubin. In an E!NEWS piece about London, she dutifully references him with the pronouns “they,” “them,” and “themselves” to the point where the reader could get confused.

(By the by, if you ever hear me calling someone “them,” know that I’ll be hastening to locate an exorcist. [“My name is Legion, for we are many”].)

Mentioning that London’s trans-racial claim inspired social media criticism, Rubin also wrote, “‘The fact that they are acting like it’s genuine and that it’s part of a ‘journey’ due to […] ‘identity issues’ really irks me,’ a non-binary Korean person said on Twitter. “‘It’s a mockery of trans people, [sic] it’s cultural appropriation.’”

That’s rich: Someone denying his own sexual reality (“non-binary”) is irked because someone else is denying his own racial reality. It’s especially ironic since the differences between the sexes far exceed those between any two races. (For starters, there’s a reason why the races compete together athletically but the sexes don’t.)

Moreover, if London is guilty of “cultural appropriation,” isn’t every MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status or “transgender”) individual guilty of “sexual appropriation”?

Reading the comments under London’s Twitter video, however, it’s striking how many respondents claim to not grasp the contradiction inherent in accepting the MUSS agenda but condemning trans-racial claims. It’s yet another testimonial as to how people, as social beings, are often more likely to accept what’s fashionable, true or not, than a valid but socially proscribed view.

Yet both “trans” ideas reflect a lamentably common mistake. Along with the widespread denial of morality, properly understood as something objective, we’re also plagued by the denial of objective reality in general (or at least the ego-driven sense that it’s secondary to our subjective experiences). It’s a function of godlessness, as it can be an example of self-deification, with a person putting himself in the place of the Author of Reality and claiming to be able to write that book himself. Hence the subordination of reality to unreal identity as “I am what God made me” becomes “I am what I make myself.”

Trans-racialism, though, could be very attractive. With whites now being treated as second-class citizens, great benefits can be derived from claiming minority status à la Rachel Dolezal.

Speaking of which, the Daily Mail calls Dolezal a “race faker” even though it would never label “Caitlyn” Jenner, whom the paper refers to as “she,” a sex faker. This reflects how you shouldn’t hold your breath waiting for the pseudo-elites to elevate trans-racialism as they have the MUSS agenda. For their Critical Race Theory/identity politics racket could collapse if racial identities became “fluid.”

Voluntary “transitioning,” after all, is not how they envisioned their desired ending of whiteness.