Sprite Soft Drink Ad Features Transgender Celebration

The Coca-Cola company recently debuted a bizarre advertisement in Argentina for its popular soft drink Sprite that completely ignores any pitch for the product itself and instead celebrates the LGBTQ agenda with a full 90-seconds of capering, cross-dressing males, “transgender” females trying to be boys, and other confused young people all dressing up to congregate at a local “gay pride” event.

As described in an article by BizPacReview.com, in one scene of the visually disturbing ad, “a girl helps her friend put on a binder, or an article of clothing commonly used by LGBTQ members to flatten their chests to present as male. In another, an older woman is seen helping a drag queen lace-up his corset. Yet another depicts two young children painting a heart onto a rainbow flag, the symbol of LGBTQ pride.”

Continues the BizPac pice: “These scenes play back-to-back with seemingly no context. In fact, the Sprite logo doesn’t even appear until the very last scene, leaving viewers wondering exactly what they’re seeing and why. More importantly, how does this tie in with carbonated beverages?

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Maxi Itzkoff, the creative mind behind the ad, shed some light on the effort, explaining that the goal of the ad, along with others in the campaign, is to test innovative advertising — and, of course, to target young consumers. “The value of a brand could be greater by creating real empathy with the youth, instead of going and selling them a Sprite,” Itzkoff explained. “We got out of the habitual marketing tone, and out of what we are supposed to do and we ran away from the target clichés.”

Among those sounding off about the over-the-top ad were PJMedia.com columnist Megan Fox, who noted that every June major corporations dutifully climb on the LGBTQ bandwagon to show their support for the annual gay “pride” month. “But the choice to release this commercial in November, several months after Pride Month, is one more signal that the Transgender Mafia is stepping up their game and you will not be getting a reprieve for the rest of the year,” warned Fox. “It’s not enough to inundate people with transgender propaganda in the month of June. We must be subjected to it every single day of the year until we all conform and celebrate mental disorders.”

Similarly, the “Activist Mommy” blogger noted that a common strategy of companies that push the LGBTQ agenda “is to use emotional advertising like [the Sprite ad] to make those who are LGBT-identifying feel good about their lifestyle while simultaneously making those who disagree with the LGBT lifestyle appear to be cold-hearted, un-compassionate, and hateful. This is an artificial juxtaposition contrived to bring divide and further polarize the opposing sides of the culture war.”

She concluded her analysis by suggesting that it may be high time for individuals and families who embrace traditional, common-sense values to stop supporting companies and brands that denigrate those values. “So ask yourself,” wrote the Activist Mommy, “Do you want to continue to support companies who subtly render you ‘hateful’ just for opposing the dangerous and harmful LGBT lifestyle?”

Image: screenshot from YouTube video