Socialism Conference Discusses “Children’s Liberation” for Sex Work

First was the attempt at rebranding pedophiles as “minor-attracted people” and the urges they feel as just another “sexual orientation.” Now there’s the latest: At a recent socialism conference, activists discussed how to promote a “children’s liberation vision” with regard to the sex industry.

But, hey, don’t let any of those tin-foil-hat-wearing Maga-billies tell you the Left has put us on a slippery slope to pedophilia. They’re delusional!

Campus Reform reports on the current story:

A university professor told a self-described ‘sex worker activist’ at the Socialism 2023 Conference in Chicago Sept. 2 to create a mass movement to ensure the rights of child sex workers.

“A mass movement has a kind of persuasive value,” said Jules Gill-Peterson, a Johns Hopkins University history professor, according to audio captured by undercover journalist Karlyn Borysenko.

Gill-Peterson continued, “If you’re part of a project trying to think about the young people’s role in the sex industry … one of the ways you might feel like you’re going to be able to lend time and energy to that effort is if it doesn’t feel like you could be hung up to dry alone for it. Right?”

Gill-Peterson had responded to a question from Chanel, who introduced herself as a sex worker activist “working at the intersection of migrants, justice, capitalism, and sex work,” during the question-and-answer section of The Politics of Childhood panel. Gills-Peterson and Sophie Lewis, author of “Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation,” served as panelists of this session .

Not surprisingly, Gill-Peterson is quite the radical. According to Wikipedia, she specializes in “transgender history,” and her website does reflect obsession with the MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) agenda. As for kids and sex, Gill-Peterson is author of Histories of the Transgender Child and has held a fellowship with the Kinsey Institute, which in the past has collaborated with pedophiles to collect “data” on children’s sexual responses (yes, really).

So Chanel apparently had a sympathetic audience in a radical MUSS activist and someone who preaches abolishment of the family. But she realizes that her views are anathema to average Americans.

“We’ve been dealing with the child sex panic,” she said, “you know, the child sex trafficking conspiracy theories for, since the late 90s, um, and I had never until this panel been like, huh, what about young people in the sex industry as part of a children’s liberation vision?”

“Like, there’s just like a utopia I had never really thought of before because the world feels so separated and the issue of youth and sex work is so incredibly loaded,” Chanel continued, and later added, “I don’t even know if I’d ask this question if this was [sic] being live streamed.”

(Transcription above and below courtesy of American Thinker’s Olivia Murray.)

Murray pulls no punches interpreting the above. “Translation: If he/she [Chanel] weren’t in a room of hyenas who also salivate over the thought of children being sold into the sex trade, he/she might feel a sting of social pressure to not voice such perverted personal beliefs,” the commentator writes.

Is Murray’s “hyenas” comment unfair (to hyenas)? Read the following and decide. “Borysenko, the journalist who captured the audio, told Campus Reform it seemed like the audience accepted that children should be sex workers and that their ‘rights’ to solicit sex should be protected,” Campus Reform also reported. “Prior to the recording, there was conversation about abolishing the age of consent, she said.”

In truth, all this talk about “liberation” actually involves liberating children from moral constraints and their parents. As Borysenko explained, just as socialists often aim to collectivize actual property, so do they aspire to collectivize the parental “property” that is the child. You can’t win the future, after all, unless you shape the people who’ll be adults in it.

Regardless, this pedophile-enabling mentality helps place in perspective why leftists threw so much shade on the hit movie exposing the child sex trade, Sound of Freedom (2023). And, again, this effort at legitimizing child sex is nothing new.

For example, a decade ago already in “The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia,” I pointed out that the Los Angeles Times was busy giving pedophilia the imprimatur of science. “Like many forms of sexual deviance, pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life,” the paper wrote in 2013. “Now, many experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality. It is a deep-rooted predisposition.”

This is significant because it’s the same argument sexual devolutionaries began making decades before regarding homosexuality, and why they made it tells the tale:

They were spreading the idea, “If I was born that way, it must be okay.” (This is a flawed argument because it replaces morality with biological determinism. Nonetheless, it’s convincing to many.)

All of this, however, just accords with the secular leftist mindset. This was expressed well, too, by Hollywood youth talent agent Marty Weiss, a convicted child molester, while being secretly recorded by one of his victims (reference: the film An Open Secret). He essentially explained, quite matter-of-factly, that sex is just a biological function and we’re no different from “other” animals — except in that we socialize the sexual activity.

It makes sense, too, if you accept the Left’s premises: There’s no God, no Truth, and hence no morality; if it feels good, do it. The problem is that their premises will destroy civilization.