Record Abortions Expose Truth About Planned Parenthood

The latest annual report from Planned Parenthood lays plain the grim truth about America’s leading killer of pre-born babies. During fiscal year 2018-19 Planned Parenthood and its sundry medical affiliates performed a total of 345,672 murderous abortions, a deadly increase of 12,915 from last fiscal year and up 24,288 from two years ago. During the latest time frame the abortion business also received an astounding $616 million in government funding via reimbursements and grants. noted that the number of abortions for which Planned Parenthood was responsible during 2018-19 “equates to 947 a day, as the deaths of unborn children continue to climb with each passing year — an estimated 60 million children and counting since the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade.”

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The Christian news site added that “according to online data, Planned Parenthood performed 4,988 abortions in 1973, 85,207 in 1983, 134,251 in 1993, 236,500 in 2003, and 327,166 in 2013.”

Additionally, during the past fiscal year Planned Parenthood distributed contraceptives to over 2.5 million individuals, a number that has decreased over the past two reporting cycles. However, the abortion business also provided testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to 4.9 million people, up from 4.7 million last year and 4.4 in 2016-17.

Overall, although private donations have gone down, Planned Parenthood reported total revenue above $1.6 billion, with net assets at almost $2 billion. As for its federal tax dollar haul, the $616 million does not include some $60 million in grants Planned Parenthood lost from the Department of Health and Human Services after President Trump moved to block federal funding for clinics that refer clients for abortion.

Despite the banner year, Planned Parenthood’s acting president, Alexis McGill Johnson, complained that her organization stands “at an inflection point for reproductive health and rights. Our opponents moved to dismantle our nation’s program for affordable birth control this year, forcing providers like Planned Parenthood out of the program with an unethical gag rule.”

And while a number of state legislatures fronted bills to ban or severely curtail abortions over the past year, Planned Parenthood boasted that nearly 70 percent “of the more than 300 abortion restricting bills introduced in 2019 have been defeated or delayed until next year [2020].”

The Christian Post noted that although Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers increased during 2018-19, overall the national abortion rate “has dropped steadily in recent years. According to data compiled by the Guttmacher Institute, from 2014 to 2017, the number of abortions performed in the U.S. dropped from 926,190 to 862,320, a seven percent decrease and record low.”

Writing in, pro-life columnist Melanie Israel reminded readers that abortions “make up 95 percent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy resolutions services, and for every adoption referral [one of its supposed services], Planned Parenthood performed nearly 81 abortions during the 2018-2019 reporting year.

Israel emphasized that abortion “is Planned Parenthood’s priority, and Americans should not provide the organization with more than a half-billion dollars every year. Instead, policymakers should direct those funds to the thousands of centers that provide health care to women without entangling those services with abortion on demand.”

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