NPR Leftists Finally Discover Gun Owners They Love — Call Them “Gun Curious”

One thing you can say about leftists is, they sure are adaptable. They turned from “equality” to “equity” (officially sanctioned discrimination) and from freedom of speech to “hate speech” standards on a dime. They were anti-war in the ’60s and ’70s but by the 2000s had embraced Barack Obama, who once reportedly said he was “really good at killing people.” Then there was the NYC liberal who, reacting to an integration plan for his kid’s school, explained, “It’s more complicated when it’s about your own children.” And, now, lo and behold, notoriously anti-gun leftists have even embraced firearm ownership.

That is, for the “right” people.

In this case, this would be the “LGBTQ” crew, some of whom are now buying guns because the mainstream media have frightened them into believing they’re targeted by traditionalists. And don’t expect any typical left-winger jokes about capon-like males buying rods to compensate for feelings of masculine inadequacy. Why, liberal National Public Radio (NPR), in fact, calls these new sexual devolutionary firearm owners the “gun curious.”

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported on this Thursday evening. After playing a clip of Joe Biden talking about how no one needs an AR-15 (whose name he mangled), the commentator stated:

That’s the head of the Democratic Party speaking clearly that the party’s position on guns is, if we don’t control them, you can’t have them. Every Democrat thinks this is part of the catechism. So, you can imagine our surprise: The other day we’re driving through Cambridge in the old hybrid Subaru … and listening … to National Public Radio [NPR], the voice of menopausal liberalism. And as we’re listening, we hear this. We are going to play it for you and see if you can understand our total shock.

In the clip, NPR host Eyder Peralta claimed that mass “shootings targeting LGBTQ spaces and a rise in anti-trans rhetoric have inspired some queer people to take up arms,” an example being the focus of his segment: “a monthly gathering of a gun group that sees firearms as key to their own self-defense.” Peralta made sure to include a triggered-weapons trigger warning, too, stating that “this story does include the sound of gun fire.” For sure, this must be absolutely foreign to NPR listeners’ ears — except for the 10,000 times they’ve heard gunshots in movies made by their firearm-hating Hollywood friends.

NPR correspondent Todd Bookman then presented the rest of the story. The “parking lot of Pawtuckaway State Park in southeastern New Hampshire is filling up with hikers,” he said. “There’s also a different crew packing up warm clothes and weapons.”

“Thank you all for coming to Rainbow Reload,” a voice could then be heard saying.

This inspired Carlson to state, mockingly:

Your anti-trans rhetoric makes the trans community carry guns. Rainbow Reload! They’re packin’ heat….

Wait a second, we thought. This is NPR? … suddenly telling you that, actually, guns are good; they’re valuable tools of self-defense….

…This is the same NPR that in between updates on the latest trans dinosaur emojis — we’ve been following those very carefully — routinely runs segments calling for more gun control. And not subtle ones like the segment entitled, “Many Gun Owners Support Gun Control. So Why Don’t They Speak out?” Oh, yeah. A lot of gun owners want gun control; of course they do, and yet, here’s that same National Public Radio — state radio, state media controlled by the Biden administration — encouraging people to go to the gun store immediately. But not all people, just trans people.

This was followed by another NPR clip. “Groups like Rainbow Reload exist around the country, often called Pink Pistol Clubs,” Bookman could be heard informing. “It’s a place for experts and the gun-curious to practice and improve their shooting, but this goes beyond hobby. There’s a practical goal here, to prepare and protect themselves.”

A Rainbow Reload attendee was then heard saying, “If the world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerous back, and that very much has pushed me into where I am now.”

My, my, so leftists have discovered something called “self-defense.” For, you see, this isn’t as with the Middle American yahoos who, as Obama said in 2008, “cling to guns or religion.” These people are imperiled.

Yet aren’t we all? Wasn’t this message sent when authorities refused to quell the L.A. riots in 1992 and allowed armed gangs to roam unfettered during Hurricane Katrina in 2005? Isn’t it sent when George Soros-funded prosecutors turn criminals loose in the streets? And isn’t it sent when our pseudo-elites find armed bodyguards — excuse me, gun curious personnel — necessary?

By the way, Rainbow Reload concerns are unfounded, for there is no war on the MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) demographic. In fact, studies have shown that MUSS individuals are less likely to be murdered than normal people are, and that they’re more likely to kill than be killed.

All this could make one wonder: Why, then, aren’t NPR libs worried about this rather dangerous demographic arming up? Carlson has his explanation.

What’s “going on here is that NPR has decided that guns are bad — except when the enforcers of its ideology have guns,” he said. “You can’t have guns, but faithful servants of the Democratic Party can.”

But maybe you can. Just remember: If anyone ever expresses concern over your Second Amendment-rights exercise, just say you’re not at all armed and dangerous. You’re merely gun curious.

For those interested, Tucker Carlson’s segment is below.