No Libs Allowed: Patriotic Ammo Company Will NOT Sell to Biden Voters
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It’s another good example of why the Left doesn’t like small businesses: Unlike corporate America, some of them still embrace patriotism and our Constitution. A good example is Michigan’s Fenix Ammunition, which has adopted a newsworthy policy:

It will not sell any of its products to Joe Biden voters.

Unlike duplicitous Big Tech, Fenix isn’t hiding its preferential policies, either. In fact, upon logging on to its site you’re greeted with a page featuring only one question: “Did you vote for Joe Biden?” Clicking “No” brings you to Fenix’s main page.

Clicking “Yes” forwards you directly to the Biden/Harris page on the administration’s plans to undermine Second Amendment rights.

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Bluntly explaining its policy’s rationale in its “Frequently Asked Questions” section, Fenix answers the query, “Are you really discriminating against people who voted for Joe Biden?” thus:

Yes, we are, and for good reason. Joe Biden ran on a campaign built on the most radical gun control platform we’ve ever seen. If it was up to him and his administration, companies like ours wouldn’t exist. If it was up to them, firearms and ammunition manufacturing would become a nationalized industry meant to serve only the military and police.

We are a company who believes in the Second Amendment as a first principle. The right to use basic human technology to prevent your life from being taken is something that transcends politics, but unfortunately, there is one particular political ideology who [sic] seems hell bent on disrupting this balance of power between the citizenry and the government.

If you voted for Biden, we suggest you become familiar with his campaign promises as it pertains to gun control so you never do that again, or, we suggest you sell your firearms to someone who is more interested in preserving the rights that make up the fabric of our nation.

Fenix reiterated its position on Twitter and then expanded upon it, stating about Biden support:

Fenix then followed up with:

Unsurprisingly, this inspired both praise and derision. And when confronted with sarcasm, the company fired right back with both barrels (example below).

None of this is hurting Fenix’s business, by the way. In fact, its “policy has been met with a surge of interest and sales from the Second Amendment community,” writes Big League Politics. “Fenix sold out its latest production batch of 9mm ammunition in less than a[n] hour today, and overwhelming demand for ammo continues to sell out every form of cartridge the company manufactures.”

This is despite GoogTwitFace being, according to Fenix, up to its old games. As the company also tweeted:

Fenix is hardly alone, however, in its principled stand. There also was Down Range Sporting Goods in Jackson, Mississippi, (tweet below) in 2016.

Then there’s Jefferson City, Missouri, firearms dealer Trigger Firearms and Reloading LLC, which wrote Inauguration Day on Facebook, “We don’t have guns or ammo for Biden Supporters. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

Really, though, driving this spirit is not just Democrat voters’ effects on government law. It’s also that banks and credit-card processors — responding to the market forces and social/governmental pressure anti-gun citizens help create — have increasingly refused to deal with firearms-oriented businesses. This threatens their very survival.

So why do some gun owners support the Democrats, American history’s most anti-Second Amendment party? First, many people are what I’ve called “ethnic Democrats.” That is, their great-grand-pappy was a Democrat, their grand-pappy was a Democrat, and their pappy was a Democrat. So they’re Democrats, too.

Related to this is prejudice. Unfortunately, most people make many decisions, electoral ones included, on not a rational but an emotional basis. It’s “four legs, good; two legs, bad” (Animal Farm reference) as anyone branded conservative or bearing an “R” after his name is anathematized.

Second, some people vote Democrat because there’s some “overriding issue” (e.g., prenatal infanticide) they align with the party on, relative to which other matters are secondary. Or perhaps appealing to them is the “whole Democrat package” (there are masochists in the world, you know), which they accept despite finding a couple of included positions unpalatable.

Then I’ve heard more than one Democrat say that the “moderate” heads in the party — e.g., West Virginia’s Senator Joe Manchin — will block radical legislation (talk about walking on the edge).

There’s also just garden-variety ignorance, intensified by mainstream-media propaganda. For some good and comical but sad examples, consider the following “man on the street” interviews.

First there are the 2008 interviews (below) in which late GOP presidential candidate John McCain’s positions and running-mate choice (Sarah Palin) were attributed to Barack Obama. Do you think the Obama-supporting interviewees blinked?

Then there are the following interviews, conducted a month later. Note that Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) were high-profile figures at the time.

My guess, though, is that these interviewees still know how to pull a trigger.

But they won’t be pulling it with Fenix’s ammo — unless “ideologically challenged” becomes a protected class under law.