Joe Biden’s Advocacy of Child Abuse: Childhood “Transgenderism” Victims Weigh In
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Joe Biden probably wouldn’t let an eight-year-old drive, buy alcohol, or even decide to make ice cream a regular dinner, but he’s all for allowing a wee child to choose to “be” the opposite sex. This was made clear last Thursday at ABC’s town hall event, where the Democrat presidential nominee essentially claimed that such a position was rooted in compassion. Yet the many victims of childhood “transgenderism” — now living with scarred bodies and psyches — may beg to differ.

Biden’s comments came in response to immigrant mother Mieke Haeck, who stated she had two “daughters,” 10 and eight, with the younger one being “transgender” — in other words, a boy claiming girlhood. She also asserted that President Trump has “attacked” the “rights” of Made-up Sexual Status (MUSS) individuals and asked Biden what he would do, as president, in response.

The ex-vice president “promised to ‘flat-out change the law’ and eliminate any executive orders regarding the issue implemented by President Donald Trump,” reported the Daily caller.

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After then telling a likely-fabricated story about his father, Biden rendered one of his usual muddled answers and said, “The idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, you know, ‘I decided I want to be transgender. That’s what I think I’d like to be; it would make my life a lot easier.’”

“There should be zero discrimination,” he continued, adding, “And what’s happening is, too many transgender women of color are being murdered.” 

(Note: While Biden may believe this — he’s fed material by handlers — it is, frankly, a lie. Not only did a report show that MUSS individuals are less likely to be killed than normal people are, but also that they’re more likely to commit murder than be murdered. Moreover, when they are killed, it’s not generally because of their MUSS status but because they tend to have high-risk lifestyles.)

Biden also told Haeck, “So I promise you there is no reason to suggest that there should be any right denied your daughter or daughters, whichever, one or two…” and then paused, not having remembered what the mother had just explained. After Haeck chimed in and said “one,” Biden concluded, stating, “One, your daughter — that your other daughter has a right to be and do. None, zero.” (Video below.)

Of course, Biden — who has no trouble distinguishing between boys and girls when deciding whom to grope — is just parroting politically correct boilerplate. Tragically, though, MUSS ideology amounts to a lie that kills. Just ask its many victims.

In recent years the Left has advocated body- and mind-rending interventions, such as puberty blockers, for children; moreover, the mutilation known as “gender reassignment surgery” is sometimes performed even on teens. The result is often regret, destroyed lives, and sometimes suicide.

One victim is Keira Bell, whose story is summarized in the tweet below, which also features an interview with her.

Then there’s Australian Patrick Mitchell, who “began taking estrogen hormones at 12-years-old after ‘professionals’ told his mother it was the ‘right choice’, following a diagnosis of gender dysphoria,” reported Breitbart in 2017. Mitchell had been quite insistent about his decision, do note, throwing tantrums to get his way.

But two years later, at age 14, he also changed his mind (video below). Unfortunately, some effects of the hormone treatments (abuse) may be irreversible.

Far more tragic is the story of Nathaniel (last name withheld), who had “bottom surgery” (genitalia removal) just after his 18th birthday. Months later he regretted the mutilation, calling it a “Frankenstein hack job at best.”

“I had turned myself into a plastic-surgery facsimile of a woman, but I knew I still wasn’t one,” he lamented last year. “I became (and to an extent, still feel) deeply depressed.”

“I feel as though I have ruined my life,” he sadly concluded.

The above hapless souls are victims — of what is nothing less than malpractice. This characterization is valid not just because the MUSS-agenda has no basis in science but because, reports the American College of Pediatricians, “According to the DSM-V, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.” 

In other words, they’ll generally outgrow their psychological distress — if they can outrun the indoctrination and quack doctors.

But because too many don’t is why there’s now the website, run by a man named Walt Heyer. Heyer has firsthand knowledge of the problem, as the tweet and embedded video below outline.

(Hat tip:

“My grandmother dressed me as a girl when I was 4, 5, and 6 years old,” Heyer related last year, explaining his problem’s genesis. “I was far too young to comprehend the long-term consequences of being encouraged to cross-dress at such a young age, much less fight back.”

“In my child’s mind, it felt good to be the center of her attention.” He continued. “Now I call what grandma did to me ‘child abuse’ because her grooming of me as a female negatively affected my entire life.”

This is not a unique story. Just consider “Renee Richards” (born Richard Raskind), the tennis player who made news in the late 1970s after having a so-called sex-change operation and, at age 43, beginning to play in women’s tournaments. Writing of his upbringing in 2018, related that “young Richard was dominated by his [psychiatrist] mother and his older sister, who dressed him as a girl. By 9, he had begun to dress himself that way.”

Is this at all surprising? A theory for your consideration: Tiny Walt and Richard both got the message that their grandmother/mother didn’t love them for who and what they were — boys — that, in fact, their maleness was an impediment to their receiving this love. So is it hard to imagine that such a boy might want to “become a girl”?

Yet there’s more. If a boy experiences this maleness-oriented rejection when extremely young, might he not so assume a female character as a coping mechanism that he would actually begin to feel like a girl, deep down?

This would explain Heyer’s and other men’s “gender dysphoria”: the sense that one really is a member of the opposite sex on the inside, to put it simply. Of course, since this psychological phenomenon begins at an age before the person can remember, it makes sense that he would say he has “always felt this way,” which is something you hear from men thus afflicted.

Whatever the psychological problem’s origin, it’s just that — a psychological problem — not the biological one MUSS activists claim. And this is the message of wiser experts, such as former chief of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital Dr. Paul McHugh. As he put it in 2004, “We psychiatrists … would do better to concentrate on trying to fix their minds and not their genitalia.”

If these words had been heeded, we’d have at least a few more changed minds today — and far fewer broken bodies and souls.