Chloe Cole/X
Chloe Cole
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

High-profile detransitioner Chloe Cole has had her Instagram account restricted for an undisclosed breach of the platform’s rules. According to a message on Cole’s Instagram, her account is no longer safe to be shared with non-followers, and her content will no longer be shown on features such as Explore, Search, Suggested Users, Reels, and Feed recommendations.

Cole, a child victim of the transgender fad, made a name for herself beginning in 2022 when she came out publicly against so-called “gender affirming” care for minors. She has drawn the ire of radical proponents of transgenderism with statements such as, “Why is a mental health epidemic not being addressed with mental health treatment to get at the root causes for why female adolescents like me want to reject their bodies?”

Also included in the Instagram message to Cole is her account bio, along with Instagram’s guidelines on violence on the platform. “We try not to recommend content or accounts that show violence, such as people fighting.”

Cole’s bio reads: “19 ⋆ 🇺🇸 ⋆ female (XX) ⋆ former trans kid 🦎 started T & Blockers at 13, Double Mastectomy at 15, detransed at 16 [email protected].”

Cole reacted to the censorship on X: “Facebook has notified me that my instagram bio is too ‘violent,'” Cole posted. “If you think reading it is violent, imagine actually living through all that!!” Both Facebook and Instagram are a part of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg’s “Social Metaverse Company.”

“Facebook is absolutely correct in stating that my bio describes something violent-that is, my own life experiences,” Cole said in a statement. “However, I am doing quite the opposite of condoning what doctors did to me and instead using my experience to raise awareness and encourage others to be compassionate.”

The only thing remotely violent about Cole’s bio was the double mastectomy performed on her by doctors at healthcare system Kaiser Permanente, who butchered her in the name of “gender affirming” surgery. Cole is now suing Kaiser Permanente for their role in providing both chemical and surgical intervention prior to adulthood.

“I was fifteen when you cut into my body, ripped out my breasts and stitched me back up like I was your rag doll,” Cole said in February.

“You are on the wrong side of history and will always be remembered as child butchers,” Cole told the supposed healthcare company. “Once I announced my intention to seek justice, I have not stopped receiving call after call, email after email, of parents and patients that have been harmed by these same practices, some of them even were butchered in the same building I was.”

Cole recently took on left-wing scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson for his endorsement of gender spectrum ideology.

“I watched @neiltyson flail around trying to describe gender as a spectrum and decided to refute some of his points in a short video,” she wrote in the description of a video she shared on X.

“How about we stop confusing basic human biology with cosmetics?” Cole asked. “Like what a weird jump. I don’t wear makeup most days. If I leave the house without makeup on, does that make me like 70 percent male?”

“You’re using 1950s gender stereotypes for an ideology that leads to the sterilization and mastectomies of 15-year-old girls who just don’t fit in, girls like me,” Cole added.

“The idea that people can be percentages of either male or female just further reinforces that fact that biological sex is a binary. There’s only two,” Cole bluntly stated.

“There may only be two sexes, but there are an infinite number of personalities. I mean, it really doesn’t take a degree in astrophysics to know that,” Cole chided Tyson.

The lesson is that people like Chloe Cole are extremely effective in combating the absurd societal trend of transgenderism, especially the barbaric practice of sterilizing children and cutting off body parts in the name of “gender affirming” care, which transgender advocates laughably refer to as “life saving.”

Cole is among a growing number of people who are experiencing transgender regret, wishing they had never taken part in the “woke” fad of “gender affirming” care. Her story resonates with many affected by gender dysphoria, so the gatekeepers at Meta must do all they can to keep her silent. The transgender butchery of children depends on it.