New Undercover Video Shows Planned Parenthood Executives in Grisly Conversations About Aborted Babies, Selling Body Parts

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has released another undercover video showing Planned Parenthood functionaries and assorted abortionists discussing their trade in grisly detail. The conversations, done with joking and lighthearted banter, include abortionists talking about the sale of body parts from aborted babies.

The video, shot in 2014 and 2015 by undercover CMP investigators at meetings of the National Abortion Federation, the major abortionist trade group, includes the following:

• Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, talks about conducting an abortion specifically to save (presumedly for sale) the organs of murdered babies. “You know, sometimes she’ll tell me she wants brain, and we’ll … leave the calvarium ’til last,” Nucatola says, “and then try to basically take it or, actually, you know, catch everything, and even keep it separate from the rest of the tissue so it doesn’t get lost.”

• Deb VanDerhei, national director of Planned Parenthood’s Consortium of Abortion Providers, admits to the profit motive behind the killing of pre-born babies. “The truth is that some [abortionists] might want to do it for — to increase their revenues,” she says. “And we can’t stop them.”

Update: The video was taken down by YouTube “for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service.”  It can be viewed at the following web link:

• Paul Blumenthal, medical director emeritus for Maryland’s Planned Parenthood franchise, concedes that he knows “Planned Parenthood sells a lot of stuff [ie., body parts] to people.”

• Ann Schutt-Aine of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast describes how she will hold a baby in place inside the birth canal with forceps to prevent a partial-birth abortion. “If I’m doing a procedure, and I’m seeing that I’m in fear that it’s about to come to the umbilicus, I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix, and pull off a leg or two, so it’s not [partial birth abortion],” she admits.

• Lisa Harris, medical director at Planned Parenthood of Michigan, goes as far as to say that abortionists and their allies should admit the cold-heartless truth about the procedure they perform. “Let’s just give them all the violence,” Harris declares. “It’s a person. It’s killing. Let’s just give them all that.”

• Harris also speaks in a lighthearted manner about trying to pull the head of an aborted baby out of a patient. “Our stories don’t really have a place in a lot of pro-choice discourse and rhetoric, right?” she asks. “The heads that get stuck that we can’t get out. The hemorrhages that we manage. You know, those are all parts of our experience. But there’s no real good place for us to share those.”

• Uta Landy, founder of Planned Parenthood’s Consortium of Abortion Providers, recalls a particularly gruesome anecdote about a just-killed baby. “An eyeball just fell down into my lap,” she relates to knowing laughter from fellow abortionists. “And that is gross.”

The latest undercover video comes as David Daleiden, lead investigator at the CMP, has been charged with 15 felonies by the California attorney general’s office over the previous videos released by the pro-life organization. The undercover CMP videos that have been released over the past year and a-half include:

• Dr. Deborah Nucatola (cited above) saying that “we’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

• Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Mary Gatter joking that “I want a Lamborghini” as she negotiates the sale of baby parts.

• Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Savita Ginde stating that “we don’t want to do just a flat-fee [per baby] of like, $200. A per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

• A Texas Planned Parenthood abortionist describing a partial-birth abortion to kill late-term unborn babies for the harvesting of brain material.

• A Planned Parenthood medical director conceding that babies born alive during an abortion are sometimes killed.

Former Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Brentford Ferreira, who is part of Daleiden’s defense team, said that the charges against Daleiden amount to little more than a “witch hunt.” Ferreira noted that “every video recording for which the Attorney General is charging David was obviously and unquestionably made in a public place where it could not possibly be considered ‘confidential.’ The only difference between David’s conduct and that of undercover video journalists every day in the state of California is the fact that he recorded the political backers of the state’s top prosecutor.”

Update: The video was taken down by YouTube “for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service.”  It can be viewed at the following web link:

Image of pro-abortion consortium: youtube video by Center for Medical Progress