NBC Ties Penn State Scandal to Catholic Church

Sure enough, as Newsbusters reported on Friday, NBC and the New York Times obliged, linking the two scandals.

Problem is, the media again got the story wrong, fixating on powerful institutions trying to protect themselves instead of the obvious: predatory homosexual behavior.

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As Newsbusters’ Kyle Drennan reported, NBC’s Brian Williams captured what many Americans, particularly Catholics, had to have been thinking when the Sandusky scandal broke: “A lot of people watching this scandal unfold at Penn State, watching the human damage pile up, watching an institution get badly soiled, can’t help but think of the scandal that rocked the Catholic Church in America. There are a lot of parallels.”

Drennan also noted a line in The New York Times that also made the parallel:

A better comparison would be the sexual molestation scandals that rocked another insular, all-male institution, the Roman Catholic Church. The parallels are too striking to ignore. A suspected predator who exploits his position to take advantage of his young charges. The trusting colleagues who don’t want to believe it — and so don’t. Even confronted with convincing proof, they choose to protect their institution’s reputation…. This was the dynamic that pervaded the Catholic clerical culture during its sexual abuse scandals, and it seems to have been no less pervasive at Penn State.

Examining the fact that trusted authorities refused to report crimes to the police in both cases, NBC interviewed David Clohessy, the national director of SNAP, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests.

Said Clohessy, “We, as a society, have to learn that we must come down like a ton of bricks on men who hide and ignore child sex crimes. Quiet resignations, sudden retirements, that doesn’t cut it.”

As Drennan and others have noted, Clohessy probably isn’t the best person to criticize others for not reporting heinous sex crimes to police. As the Associated Press reported in 2002, David Clohessy did not report to police sex crimes of which he was aware. That is because the sex predator in question was his brother, a Catholic priest. As well, the Times reported, Clohessy warned his brother that the Boston Globe would soon call him to comment for one of its stories on molester priests.

Clohessy’s background aside, no one would disagree with him.

Problem is, both news reports focus on the wrong similarity between the two cases.

“Almost ten years ago, the Boston Globe broke the story of priests abusing minors and the cover-up by Church officials,” as NBC’s Ann Thompson reported, “shattering the Archdiocese and the faith of many American Catholics. One of its reporters sees parallels in the Penn State case…. Critics say these are institutions of power, secrecy, mythology, dominated by men who circled the wagons in a crisis.”

Williams overstated the matter when he said “there are a lot of parallels.” But even if he is right, the media missed one big parallel.

Yes, Penn State and the Catholic Church are institutions “dominated by men who circled the wagons in a crisis.” But those institutions also protected homosexual molesters. Sandusky allegedly molested boys of all ages. Catholic priests sodomized older boys almost exclusively.

While normal men apparently protected Sandusky to protect themselves, the problem in the Catholic Church differed. It wasn’t just the authorities in an institution trying to protect themselves and the institution. It wasn’t just “power, secrecy, mythology dominated by men who circled the wagons in a crisis,” as Thompson termed it. Problem was, the men circling the wagons in the Catholic Church were in some cases homosexuals attempting to protect not only their power and privilege but also the sodomite network they created.

As The New American reported earlier this month, sexual perversion among priests may well be the most pressing problem facing the Catholic Church today.

In this rumination on the revelation that German bishops own a publishing house that markets pornography, Steve Jalsevac, writing at LifeSiteNews, reported: “Active homosexuality and acceptance of homosexuality among the clergy, including bishops and even cardinals and among religious, and in Catholic colleges and schools, and in the literature and programs in these institutions, has to a large degree still not been faced and firmly dealt with.”

This reality is massively related to all the problems in the Church in the West. Scratch under the surface of many unexplainable, disturbing actions and neglects of clergy, and frequently, as I have personally found over the years, homosexuality is involved. In a smaller number of cases, other violations of sexual chastity are found. I have been amazed how accurate this rule of thumb has turned out to be.

Wildly dissident, rebellious educational institutions, such as Washington’s Georgetown University or Loyola U, are still not remotely held accountable by Church officials, as these colleges continue to form and spew out more fundamentally anti-Christian and sexually disordered graduates.

Jalsevac also reported that faithful priests and bishops who try to rectify the problem are “subject to harsh retributions.”

The German porn situation, from all the evidence I have seen over the years, was likely allowed to continue because a fair number of influential German clergy at all levels and their bureaucrats and other advisers possibly have no problem with this kind of porn and may use it themselves. Such is the degree of moral corruption that appears to exist in some parts of the Church, especially in the affluent, very comfortable and increasingly faithless West.

In 2009, LifeSiteNews also reported about a study the Catholic Church commissioned on the molestations that have cost it billions of dollars, bankrupting parishes across the world. It concluded that the problem was not pedophilia, but ephebophilia, a homosexual attraction to adolescents.

Eighty-one percent of the cases of the abuse within the Catholic Church involved homosexual priests who preyed upon boys aged 11 to 17.

Another study denied the obvious, preferring instead to claim homosexual acts do not equate to homosexual orientation and that many of the abusers were not homosexual. The report concluded that homosexual priests are no more likely to molest boys than heterosexual priests and instead, as the  New York Times put it, claims “the abuse occurred because priests who were poorly prepared and monitored, and were under stress, landed amid the social and sexual turmoil of the 1960s and ’70s.”

Whatever the case, Sandusky allegedly molested boys of all ages, indicating that he is not only a homosexual but also a child molester.

But again, the stories have one thing in common: homosexual predation. Somehow, the media missed that one.

Photo of Jerry Sandusky: AP Images