“Dr.” Jill Gives “International Women of Courage” Award to Argentine Man
Jill Biden, Alba Rueda, and Antony Blinken

Joe Biden’s Tranny Freak Show lost a cast member in December when Sam Brinton, the bald, non-binary sadist who ran the nation’s nuclear-waste program, was fired. Airport video surveillance exposed young Brinton as an international luggage thief.

Still, the freak show must and will go on. Good thing is, the lineup has a new member, albeit one who might only make an occasional cameo appearance now and then.

The new star is Alba Rueda, Argentina’s “Undersecretary of Diversity Policies,” who received the administration’s “International Women of Courage Award” from First Lady Jill Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

Rueda is yet another of the men that Biden and the media are calling women.

And with a straight face, no less.

1 Percenter

Rueda received the award because, masquerading as a woman, he pushed through a law requiring that one percent of all government jobs in Argentina be reserved for “transgenders,” the people who either pretend they are members of the opposite sex, or, actually believing it, are severely mentally ill.

Rueda was the “first Argentine Undersecretary for Diversity Policies in the newly created Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity” and “the driving force behind Argentina’s executive order on the transgender labor quota in the public sector which was converted into the Transgender Labor Quota Act,” the State Department explained:

She previously worked in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in their National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) as well as the Argentine Secretariat for Human Rights. She is one of the founders of Argentina Trans Women (MTA) and actively engages with Notitrans, the first transgender magazine in Argentina.  She actively campaigned to change the name of the National Women’s Conference to the “Plurinational Conference of Women and Lesbian, Cross-Dresser, Transgender, Bisexual, Intersex and Non-Binary Persons” to include diverse, dissident, and racialized identities. Her activism led her to fight for the Marriage Equality Act, the Gender Identity Act, and the Diana Sacayán and Lohana Berkins Act on the Promotion of Access to Formal Employment by Cross-Dresser, Transsexual and Transgender Persons. Her hope is to establish an LGBTQI+ foreign policy agenda and mainstream it into the various negotiation fora, including into multilateral fora and bilateral relations as well as represent the Global South.

That was three “shes” and three “hers” to describe a man.

U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks was similarly unashamed to participate in the charade.

“In Argentina, Alba Rueda is a transgender woman who was kicked out of classrooms, barred from sitting for exams, refused job opportunities, subjected to violence, and rejected by her family,” gushed Hicks. “But in the face of these challenges she worked to end violence and discrimination against the LGBTQI+ community in Argentina.”

Jill Biden said nothing of substance. But Blinken said men like Rueda are blazing trails for women. And he retailed a debunked leftist conspiracy theory along the way.

“As you’ll hear, these women are reporting on Russian atrocities in Ukraine,” Blinken burbled:

They’re fighting for equal opportunities for women and girls in Mongolia. They’re defending democracy in the Central African Republic. They’re protecting indigenous land in Costa Rica. They’re advocating for the rights of refugees, people with disabilities, the LGBTQI+ community.

Because of their work, and even as they do it every single day, they are faced with extraordinary challenges that, as you learn about them, read about them, are humbling. They, their loved ones in many cases, have endured harassment. They’ve endured violence. Some have been imprisoned. Others have been subject of misinformation and online attacks day in, day out. And yet each and every one has refused to be intimidated.

That, of course, might be true of all the recipients of the award except Rueda, who is not, significantly, a woman.

Then came the debunked leftist conspiracy theory. 

“Around the world, women — in all of their diversity — are often the ones on the front lines of change,” Blinken bloviated:

And yet, at the same time, they face still greater obstacles to their political participation; they experience gender-based violence and human rights abuses; they hold less economic and social power. We are committed to changing that.

Defending the rights of women and girls is rooted in our democratic values of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all. And when we advance equality and defend the rights of women, we improve life for everyone. Closing the gender [wage] gap in the global workforce would add $28 trillion to the global economy. And as Secretary [Madeleine] Albright once said, we simply cannot build the future that we want without the contribution of women.

The “wage gap” is a myth that bubbled from the boiling cauldron of feminism.

Media Collaborators

Biden has been pushing “trans women” into positions of authority since before Day 1 of his presidency. 

Among his more auspicious appointments were the man-lady who ran the Defense Department’s transition, and more significantly, the appointment of man-lady Richard Levine, who calls himself Rachel, to be assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Levine, who prances around in an admiral’s uniform, also runs the Public Health Service.

Then came Brinton the Bag Burglar, who wore heels, dresses, and lipstick to his job as deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition. An aficionado of something called “pup play,” Brinton lectures at homosexual leather conferences and supports underage homosexual prostitution.

Biden has also pushed trannies into the military, and promoted the perversion through the State Department.

Helping spread this madness is the leftist media. USA Today named Levine one of its women of the year.

Time magazine named Rueda one of its “100 Next,” while the BBC put him on its “100 Women” list for 2021.

Whether Rueda and Levine will be on the phone sometime soon to discuss the results of their prostate exams we are not given to know.