Biden OK’s “Transgenders” in the Foxhole
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President Joe Biden tightened the hold of the mentally disturbed on the government yesterday with an order that permits so-called transgender individuals to serve in the military.

Biden’s executive order reverses his predecessor’s ban on permitting the military to become a freak show. And it continued his placing such individuals in positions of authority. A “transgender” oversaw the defense end of his transitions, and he has appointed yet another to become the No. 2 health official in the country. And boys, he ordered on inauguration day, will play sports with girls, then join them in the locker room to shower.

With his latest assault on sanity, it’s only matter of time before the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a “transgender woman” — meaning a man — flitting about the Pentagon in eye shadow and high heels.

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The Order

After the order to put high-school girls at risk of sexual assault in locker rooms, suggesting the country cannot defend itself without the derring do of a battalion of “transgenders” was a small step.

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“The All-Volunteer Force thrives when it is composed of diverse Americans who can meet the rigorous standards for military service, and an inclusive military strengthens our national security,” Biden said.

It is my conviction as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces that gender identity should not be a bar to military service. Moreover, there is substantial evidence that allowing transgender individuals to serve in the military does not have any meaningful negative impact on the Armed Forces. To that end, in 2016, a meticulous, comprehensive study requested by the Department of Defense found that enabling transgender individuals to serve openly in the United States military would have only a minimal impact on military readiness and healthcare costs. The study also concluded that open transgender service has had no significant impact on operational effectiveness or unit cohesion in foreign militaries.

Thus did the push for “transgenders” to penetrate the ranks of the normal proceed in 2016. It was time, the defense secretary concluded, to put men who wear panties and brassieres, or women who don’t, on the front lines.

Of course, Biden attacked President Trump, who maleficently reversed the Obama administration’s man-lady mandate.

The previous administration chose to alter that policy to bar transgender persons, in almost all circumstances, from joining the Armed Forces and from being able to take steps to transition gender while serving. Rather than relying on the comprehensive study by a nonpartisan federally funded research center, the previous administration relied on a review that resulted in a policy that set unnecessary barriers to military service. It is my judgment that the Secretary of Defense’s 2016 conclusions remain valid, as further demonstrated by the fact that, in 2018, the then-serving Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Naval Operations, Commandant of the Marine Corps, and Chief of Staff of the Air Force all testified publicly to the Congress that they were not aware of any issues of unit cohesion, disciplinary problems, or issues of morale resulting from open transgender service.  

And so Biden nixed Trump’s eminently sensible order to keep mentally-disturbed men and women out of the military.

As of yesterday, guys and gals who crossdress and take hormone shots can join the military.

Biden’s new secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, supports the move.

A Man Named Rachel

Biden’s declaring a new front in the culture war was anticipated. He promised as much, and picked a man in lipstick to manage his transition team’s review of the defense department.

Then Biden declared complete war on sanity. He appointed a man who calls himself Rachel to become the assistant secretary of health and human services.

Disturbing as that is, the appointment of Rachel (Richard) Levine isn’t the only cause for alarm. The former mistress of health in Pennsylvania, Levine is partly responsible for the death of 3,000 Pennsylvanians because he forced Chinese virus carriers into nursing homes.

Still, Biden wasn’t finished. He also declared that “transgender girls” — meaning boys — must be permitted to compete in girls’ sports. After beating them on the track or basketball court, the boys can undress and shower in the same locker room. 

Even some prominent homosexuals are disturbed.

Biden’s mandates are “taken directly from critical gender and queer theory,” Andrew Sullivan wrote:

Take the trans question. Most decent people support laws that protect transgender people from discrimination — which, after the Bostock decision, is already the law of the land. But this is not enough for Biden. He takes the view that the law should go further and insist that trans women are absolutely indistinguishable from biological women — which erases any means of enforcing laws that defend biological women as a class. If your sex is merely what you say it is, without any reference to biological reality, then it is no longer sex at all. It’s gender, period. It’s socially constructed all the way down.

Biden and his new defense secretary might want to prepare for a mass exodus from the military.