Trump Declassifies FBI’s Russia Conspiracy-theory Investigation
Olivier Le Moal/iStock/Getty Images Plus
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Mere hours before the end of his presidency, President Trump ordered the declassification of important documents about the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crossfire Hurricane “investigation” — a phony probe into baseless conspiracy theories peddled by Deep State Democrats and Obama officials claiming alleged “collusion” between Russia and the Trump campaign. The disclosures made so far about “Russiagate” and “Obamagate” provide more damning evidence about the out-of-control corruption within the Obama FBI and the Department of Justice. More is expected in the months ahead.

Still, the news was a major disappointment to Trump supporters, who pleaded with the president to declassify everything about the probe and other issues, with the exception of critical national-security information that could potentially harm the United States. Grassroots Trump supporters were hoping the president would also declassify documents exposing the CIA, the Deep State, additional evidence of election fraud, federal support for terror groups during previous administrations, unconstitutional spying on Americans, more details on the murder of JFK, and much more.

Unfortunately for those hoping for major developments and serious disclosures, the declassification of remaining Crossfire Hurricane documents, which will be released in the future, is not expected to add much new information to the public’s awareness of the massive federal corruption under Obama. But establishment lawmakers anxious to quell the outrage of furious Americans are promising unspecified “reforms” to the system based on what is already known. So far, there has been no serious accountability for virtually any of those involved — especially at the higher levels. Just one FBI lawyer pleaded guilty to changing an e-mail to get a warrant on a Trump advisor.

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Still, while underwhelming, the documents released and those expected to be released under the new order do provide additional evidence of a half-baked conspiracy by the Obama administration to tarnish and destroy Trump’s outsider administration at the start. For instance, the primary FBI contact for disgraced British “spy” Christopher Steele, who was being paid by the Clinton campaign and provided the phony allegations used to start the witch hunt, admitted in newly released transcripts from Congress that everybody involved in the fraud knew it was all a fraud from the start.

“I mean, it was obvious,” the FBI agent explained when asked if the “dirty dossier” provided by Steele and funded by the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign was political. “It was completely obvious to all of us, whoever was involved in these conversations, what the purpose was of the information was — to be used by one political party or another.” And yet, even though they all knew it was a political fraud, the FBI and DOJ used the Steele “dossier” to dupe the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court into allowing surveillance of Trump’s team.

Citing supposed “suspicions” rather than evidence, disgraced FBI operative Peter Strzok — no doubt with encouragement from above — opened a “counterintelligence” investigation into Trump’s team months before the 2016 election. Once Trump won, that phony investigation was used to ruthlessly persecute and sabotage the administration and its efforts to drain the swamp, stop globalism, expose the Deep State, and rein in the out of control federal government. Trump previously called the “Russia hoax” the “single greatest political CRIME in American History.”

The new revelations also show that Steele, who was conducting “opposition research” funded by Democrats and the Clinton campaign, violated his agreements with the FBI by leaking his phony information to the press. The goal was to distract from Clinton’s explosive e-mail scandal as part of what he admitted was a scheme to influence the election for the benefit of Clinton and a foreign power: his homeland, the United Kingdom.

While the information on the leaks is not new, the fact that the motivation behind them was harming Trump and benefiting a foreign nation were previously classified. Ironically, the files also show U.S. authorities had concerns that Steele’s “source” was actually a Russian intelligence asset spreading disinformation. In addition, they prove that the FBI was indeed spying on Trump’s campaign, even sending in an operative with instructions to infiltrate the operation and target Trump advisors seeking damaging information.

Another transcript that was released by Congress revealed that an unnamed official from the FBI, identified only as “Supervisory Special Agent 1,” was deeply concerned about the investigation and the information it was relying on. Indeed, when the SSA found out that the scheming was being funded by Clinton and requested an outside review to validate Steele’s “source,” he was denied by Strzok. At that point, the SSA left the investigation over the concerns, the transcripts show.

Those documents, along with almost a dozen other interview transcripts involving U.S. officials embroiled in the scandal, were recently released by U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a neoconservative RINO who pretended to be a Trump ally until it really mattered. Along with the transcripts, Graham released a detailed statement covering for the Deep State while feigning concern over FBI and Justice Department “bias” and “incompetence” — but with no mention of the widespread criminality exhibited in the Deep State witch-hunt perpetrated against Trump and his team.

“I consider the Crossfire Hurricane investigation a massive system failure by senior leadership, but not representative of the dedicated, hardworking patriots who protect our nation every day at Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice,” said Graham. “As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I have decided to release all transcripts of depositions involving the committee’s oversight of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. We have released as much material as possible, but some classified material has still been withheld.”

Senator Graham, who was recently surrounded at the airport by Trump supporters shouting “traitor” at him, added that the testimony provided in the transcripts will help chart a “path” to “reform the system.” Calling Crossfire Hurricane “one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ,” the big government-supporting senator claimed FBI leadership was either “grossly incompetent or they knowingly allowed tremendous misdeeds.” Duh!

Among other concerns, he blasted the FBI’s lies to the FISA court, the fact that exculpatory evidence was withheld, biased investigators, and the use of the law enforcement for political purposes. “The subjects of the investigation had their lives turned upside down,” he said. “At every turn the FBI and DOJ ran stop signs that were in abundance regarding exculpatory information.” Expressing shock that senior officials at the FBI could have been so oblivious to the fraud, Graham also said officials turned a “blind eye” to every explanation other than foreign collusion.

Perhaps most troubling about Graham’s ramblings is the effort to portray a dangerous Deep State conspiracy against the American people’s elected president as mere “bias” or incompetence. “There was no ‘there’ there. The investigation was pushed when it should have been stopped and the only logical explanation is that the investigators wanted an outcome because of their bias,” Graham said. “Former FBI Director Comey and his deputy Mr. McCabe, through their incompetence and bias, have done a great disservice to the FBI and DOJ.”

Blasting the “stain” on the reputation of the FBI and DOJ, Graham called for “reform” and outlined a series of wishes, too. “It is my hope that counterintelligence investigations will be reined in and this never happens again in America,” he said. “I hope that the media will look closely at what happened and examine these documents, but I am not holding my breath.” He also expressed hope that the upcoming Durham report would “hold those accountable” for the “travesty” that was Crossfire Hurricane.

But everybody in D.C. and beyond knows that nobody involved at the upper levels of this conspiracy will ever be seriously held accountable. In fact, after years of scandal, even Strzok and his accomplices remain at large, while Obama and others involved in the scheme are now once again in control of Washington, D.C., for the time being. At best, a few lower-level minions will fall on their swords so the true crime bosses can sail off into the sunset.

As far back as October of last year, Trump said on Twitter that he had authorized the total declassification of any and all documents surrounding the “Russia hoax,” as well as Clinton’s infamous e-mail scandal. “No redactions!” Trump added in a post on the social-media giant that has since banned him. However, in his final order on declassification of the materials, the outgoing president did consent to some redactions demanded by the FBI.

The document release was finally and formally ordered by Trump the day before he left office in a memo to the attorney general, the CIA chief, and the director of national intelligence. “At my request, on December 30, 2020, the Department of Justice provided the White House with a binder of materials related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation,” he said. “Portions of the documents in the binder have remained classified and have not been released to the Congress or the public.”

Trump asked the FBI for the documents to determine what materials could be released to the public without endangering sensitive information. He determined that the material in the binder should be declassified “to the maximum extent possible.” However, Trump also agreed to accept proposed FBI redactions that would supposedly help protect key secrets of the “Intelligence Community” prior to being released publicly. It remains to be seen whether there are additional surprises.

Regardless of what is or is not in the documents still to come, the debunked conspiracy theory alleging Trump collusion with the Kremlin was a symptom of a much broader problem. Indeed, it was just one of many efforts by what Trump properly described as the “Deep State” to destroy the democratically elected president of the United States. The reason: The power elites were terrified that he might rein them in or even hold them accountable for their crimes.

With vote-fraud Biden in the White House and radical Democrats in charge of Congress, the Deep State feels emboldened like never before. But at some point, there must be justice.