Thug Released by Gov. Cuomo Over Covid-19 Concerns Viciously Robs Man

Andrew Cuomo, New York’s top pol and Democrats’ choice to replace Joe Biden on their party’s presidential ticket, recently called himself the “love gov.” But perhaps not feelin’ the love will be all the people hurt (and perhaps killed) by the hardened criminals Cuomo has released from prison under the pretext of protecting them from the Wuhan virus. The love of the gov has just claimed a known victim, too: an infirm man who was robbed and beaten by a recently freed thug.

As the New York Post reports:

A Bronx man released from prison by Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month amid the spread of the coronavirus has been charged with beating and robbing a 62-year-old man….

Daniel Vargas, 29, was being held on $50,000 bail on robbery, grand larceny and assault charges after allegedly approaching the elderly victim on Valentine Avenue in the Bronx shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday, according to a criminal complaint.

Vargas allegedly demanded $80 that the man, who was leaving a local bodega with a cane and began punching and kicking him when he refused.

“Give me your money,” he allegedly told the man.

Vargas allegedly then slugged the victim in his body, pushed him against a wall and shoved him to the ground, the complaint said.

But, hey, at least Vargas is safe from the Wuhan virus.

Actually, not really.

To state the obvious, criminals aren’t exactly paragons of responsibility, and a guy like Vargas won’t likely “socially distance and wash his hands as health officials direct, and use a mask — for anything other than a crime tool to protect against identification,” as American Thinker puts it.

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This is apparent to anyone who’s not a left-wing politician luvin’ people to death. In fact, Vargas’s victim “was so scared of getting the ailment [the virus] he refused to take the [stolen] money back when cops made an arrest,” the Post also relates.

In reality, the most effective way to prevent convict virus contraction is to keep them “quarantined” in prison. It’s not rocket science: Test the prisoners; separate out, isolate, and treat the sick; test any new convicts before incarceration; eliminate visitation during the outbreak; and test staff every two weeks.

That leftists defy this common sense hints at an agenda, as American Thinker explains: “The far left, including the Soros front groups, Angela Davis, Chesa Boudin, and other extremists, have long advocated for getting rid of prisons and letting their denizens all out to prey upon us, under the tangled rubric of ‘social justice,’ a social justice that always finds itself devoid of [just] laws.”

The site then theorizes about the motives, writing, “The real game of this bunch is more likely to inflict criminals upon law-abiding citizens, the better to restrain their freedoms, which is always their real agenda. If law-abiding citizens can no longer walk about on the streets in any safety (nor use weapons in self-defense, another hobbyhorse of this bunch), we all should be more controllable by the state.”

Put simply, the theory is: Since people will generally sacrifice liberty for security, you can maximize the removal of liberty by first maximizing the removal of security.

Whatever the motive, for certain is that it isn’t only “non-violent” felons being released in the People’s Republic of New York. Consider Vargas: He “has more than a dozen prior arrests for assault, robbery, weapons possession and burglary,” relates the Post, and “had been in state prison on a 2014 burglary conviction until he was released on parole in November 2017, records show.”

Vargas then was rearrested for parole violations and was behind bars until the Love Gov decided to release the miscreant, who, based on his record, was guaranteed to reoffend.

He’s no outlier, either. As the Post reported on Friday, “At the request of the Legal Aid Society, [Democrat] Justice Mark Dwyer freed 18 Rikers Island inmates, including accused murderer Pedro Vinent-Barcia, who allegedly stabbed his girlfriend to death.”

Also released were “some 329 other violent ones, as well 207 ‘non-violent’ felony detainees, probably drug-traffickers, porno perverts, and other social plagues,” the Thinker writes.

“New York in fact has released 1,500 of these thugs from its Rikers Island prison, the hellhole where they take the really thuggy convicts and detainees, a place so bad that it’s used as a threat to force cooperation with prosecutors,” the site continues. “New York’s prosecutors tried to do that to former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort until they got called out for sleaze tactics and were forced to backtrack.”

NYC mayor Bolshevik Bill (de Blasio) is proud of this, too. As the Post relates, “‘Largely through efforts from judges, district attorneys, defenders, DOC and New York State DOCCS, over 1,500 people have been released from jail since March 16,’ the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice touted in a fact sheet posted online. ‘Today the jail population is at a number last seen in 1949.’”

“The 20 percent decline from 5,447 city inmates to 4,363 reflect [sic] data through April 6, the sheet says.”

“Last seen in 1949” — well, who says the Left doesn’t want to turn back the clock?

Unfortunately, leftists can’t, and actually oppose, resurrecting 1949 morality, which would ensure we could enjoy lower incarceration rates and low crime. Consequently, hundreds of violent miscreants have been released, absolutely guaranteeing that innocent people will be hurt and possibly raped or killed.

In other words, after signing a law that can allow prenatal infanticide up till birth, the “Love Gov” will now have even more blood on his hands.

This should be remembered. While Mayor de Blasio’s presidential run crashed and burned — after, amazingly, capturing zero percent support in NYC — Governor Cuomo is now a top Democrat choice to replace Joe Biden as the party’s presidential nominee. This, despite the fact that the Love Gov presides over what, studies show, is literally our country’s least-free state.

With love like that, who needs hate?

 Image: stocknroll/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio.