Radical Leftist Arrested for Plotting to Attack Trump Supporters and Police on Inauguration Day
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He is, apparently, what his fellow travelers would call an “insurrectionist.” That is, if his ideology were different.

A former U.S. Army soldier named Daniel Alan Baker, who’d previously told Seattle CHAZ rioters that they “needed to get AK’s and start making bombs,” was arrested by the FBI for threatening to attack Trump supporters and police in Tallahassee on Inauguration Day. As the New York Post reports:

A former airborne infantryman was arrested Friday on charges he issued a call to attack protesters … at Florida’s state Capitol.

… Baker, 33, of Tallahassee, Florida, faces a federal charge involving transmitting a threat to kidnap or injure, the Tallahassee Democrat reported.

Prosecutors described Baker as a “hard-core leftist” who was angry about the January 6 … [violence at] the U.S. Capitol.

The former soldier received a less-than-honorable discharge from the Army after he went AWOL when his unit was to deploy to Iraq, according to the Miami Herald.

Providing further detail, WHAM.com writes that in “a flyer posted online, Baker encouraged Floridians to ‘rise up’ and defend Tallahassee on Inauguration Day from people he called ‘Trump terrorists,’ according to the complaint.”

“The FBI further alleges Baker created a Facebook event called ‘Defend Tallahassee,’ in which he described a plan to trap Inauguration Day protestors inside the Florida State Capitol building and ‘drive them out of Tallahassee with every caliber available,’” the site continues.

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Below is an image of the flyer along with a picture of Baker, courtesy of Jack Posobiec, who reportedly broke the story.

“Baker has been an active participant in unrest across the country over the past year,” WHAM further reports. “In July or August, Baker traveled to Seattle as a self-admitted ‘hardcore leftist’ to participate in what he called the ‘revolution,’ ultimately joining the infamous CHAZ/CHOP movement, according to court documents.”

“‘I told [the Seattle rioters], if they really wanted a revolution, we needed to get AK’s and start making bombs. No one listened to me,’ Baker was quoted as saying in an October 2020 article,” WHAM also relates.

Adding to Baker’s résumé, NEWSLA identifies him as an “Antifa activist,” while the Daily Beast tells us that he “calls himself an anarchist and participated in Black Lives Matter protests over summer.”

In keeping with these passions, Baker expressed contempt “for both President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden on his Facebook page, posting comments like ‘Death to amerikka of course’ and ‘f*** the president, current and elect,’” WHAM further informs. “Baker’s Facebook cover picture featured several armed soldiers standing behind YPG [Kurdish defense force] and Antifa flags.”

In other words, it seems he was as likely to be the kind of person who’d attack the Inauguration as the kind who’d defend it. And, in fact, if he’s upset about the Capitol violence, perhaps he should take issue with his fellow travelers.

After all, it’s now being reported that multiple leftists have been arrested for rioting at the Capitol. One of them, named John Sullivan, participated in BLM activity just like Baker. Another one, who was conspiring with Sullivan, was a CNN reporter named Jade Sacker. As verified Twitter user Amuse frames it:

Then there’s Aaron Mostofsky, who was seen at the riot wearing furs. A son of a Kings County Supreme Court judge, he’s a registered Democrat.

Moreover, as even liberal Bloomberg points out, “Many of those [rioters] shown in news footage had no party affiliation and voted sporadically, if at all.”

Of course, some of them could still be Trump supporters because the president has great crossover appeal. But the picture is obviously far more complicated than media propaganda would indicate.

Furthermore, under the headline “Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot,” The National Pulse reports that screenshots from a Discord chat channel allegedly hosted by the aforementioned John Sullivan “reveal he and his followers infiltrated the January 6th Save America March in Washington, D.C.”

Whoever was involved that day — and a handful of easily manipulated yahoos could have been there — it’s unfathomable that leftists weren’t present inciting trouble. Why?

Well, consider that in 2016, a Democrat operative named Scott Foval was caught on hidden video admitting he was part of a Democrat-funded dirty-tricks team that incited violence at Trump events. Calling it “conflict engagement,” he even stated, “We have mentally ill people that we pay to do s**t, make no mistake”; he also boldly proclaimed, “We’re starting anarchy here” (video below. Warning: foul language).  

The goal of this incitement, called “bird-dogging,” is “to create a sense of ‘anarchy’ around Donald Trump that would undermine his political support,” related Breitbart in 2016.

This is what the Left does. It didn’t start in 2016, either — and it didn’t end in 2016.

Trump supporters and conservatives in general need to be on guard for this kind of behavior. Note that Sullivan was jubilant over provoking violence at a Trump event, exclaiming to Sacker, “Is this not gonna’ be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?!”

So since leftists are pursuing conflict engagement, it would be a good idea for conservative rally planners to have teams devoted to conflict de-escalation. Don’t allow yourselves to be manipulated into giving the mainstream media its next Reichstag Fire story.